What are Coding Snacks?

Coding Snacks represent the best of DonationCoder.

On a special section of our forum, anyone can post an idea for a small custom utility/program.

Coders who hang out on our forum keep an eye out for interesting requests and when they see one that catches their interest, they code it and release it to the public for free.

People who find the tools useful are encouraged to donate directly to the coders to show their appreciation.

Forum Links:

  • Browse completed coding snacks: here.
  • Browse and submit new requests: here.
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I've used similar software for a very long time.
This one is the best so far. In fact, I've uninstalled all of my alternatives because they are all obsolete, in my opinion. Great work, GREAT product! Thanx so much.
SpocksBeard1701 image

What are Coding Snacks?

Coding snacks are small custom utilities written by coders who hang out on DonationCoder in response to requests posted on our forum.

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IDEA: Create a containing folder by right clicking on a file

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Hi folks,

In my newsletter, I have a section called "What do you want?". Often I can find an existing program that fits the need, and more often others chime in with plenty of ideas.

Here is a request that I figured would be perfect as a coding snack and additionally would make my readers familiar with your services in this forum.

Marlene O wrote the following:
I would really like a little progie that would make a new folder for a file. For instance if I have a zip file called reader.zip, if I could right click it and have the option to make a folder called reader that I could put it in. I get so sick of right clicking and choosing new then folder then typing in reader. Sounds trivial but it is so annoying when you have fifty files that you want to make a separate folder for each file..

In this case, I don't believe she is asking to have the program unzip the file into a folder. That is already available to most folks.

I believe she merely wants a folder to store it in. Perhaps the program could also move the file into the containing folder. Another idea might allow selecting more than one file and using those names to create an equal number of folders to contain the files.

Thanks to all, Clif

Read what our members suggest and create..

MessaBox Little MessageBox to show some info and disapear automatically

01-Just run it.PNG
I hope this is the right forum section to provide this script?

I have improved an AHK (www.AutoHotkey.com) script
from user "icefreez" called "Simple Message, on top for a delayed time"
found at http://www.autohotke....php?p=135127#135127

I want to display an Message Box to provide some info or help to me or an user/customer.

This script show an GUI without border and (OK,Yes,No) buttons. The time out, the font size and the font face can be choose.

REQUEST: OnScreen Display for Mute Status

Too many times I am interrupted and have to hit my mute button. Then I forget it's muted and wonder a little while later where my music went, or why I am not hearing alerts for incoming messages.

When I hit the mute button on my keyboard, there is an onscreen display, but it only lasts a second or 2.

What I would like is a utility that will show when the pc's volume is muted, only while it is muted, until it is not.

Whatever image or text is used, should show up well on both light & dark backgrounds.

Read about and download the coding snack program written by one of our members to answer this request..

DONE: DriveKeysAtoZ

This little tool sounds rather redundant, but I really do have a need for it.

Something that will open Explorer when I hit Win+E.

I am not sure why, and I don't think I will ever find out why, but Win+E doesn't open Explorer like it should.

I know you can over-ride the Win key and make a combo like Win+E do something else other than open Explorer, but can you make Win+E open Explorer, by force, with an ahk script when Windows decides that it doesn't want to do that any more?

I sure could use a little utility that would do that.  :-*

Or even better:

How about one that when I hit [something] + a letter, it will open Explorer to that drive letter (if it exists) AND fix the Win+E problem?

Continue reading more about this tool and download now..

Ghostbar - aka FadingTaskbar Redux

I found myself in a mood to do something different recently so I decided to try and rewrite Skrommel's excellent FadingTaskbar. I call it Ghostbar.

While similar in functionality to FadingTaskbar it is quite different in implementation. I won't go into details here, full source code is included for anyone so inclined, but the two key differences are (1) It supports Vista and (2) instead of remaining in the background it installs a DLL (in a benign non-malicious way) that performs all the work so that the main program can happily quit.

The app is less user-friendly than FadingTaskbar but it was just meant to be a small project whose scope didn't extend beyond plain functionality :) See the readme.txt for details or ask me here. Enjoy.

* Ghostbar.zip (1228.29 kB - downloaded 1258 times.)

Read and download now..

Re: Rerun StartUp Folder

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Based on a user request in the Coding Snacks Section:

ReRun - Run the startup programs not already running

You'll find the downloads and more info at 1 Hour Software by Skrommel.

It runs the registry and start menu programs of both the current user and the common user.  It's not perfecet - the startup commands must contain an extension, and I can't detect autostarted documents and folders.

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