What are Coding Snacks?

Coding Snacks represent the best of DonationCoder.

On a special section of our forum, anyone can post an idea for a small custom utility/program.

Coders who hang out on our forum keep an eye out for interesting requests and when they see one that catches their interest, they code it and release it to the public for free.

People who find the tools useful are encouraged to donate directly to the coders to show their appreciation.

Forum Links:

  • Browse completed coding snacks: here.
  • Browse and submit new requests: here.
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Process Tamer: 5 Stars
This program [Process Tamer] may be extremely valuable to you if you work with processing-intesive applications that often make your system unstable. For myself, I have found that process tamer works really well in preventing some of my MS Excel macros that routinely crash my machine form doing so.
FreewareGenius Blog image

What are Coding Snacks?

Coding snacks are small custom utilities written by coders who hang out on DonationCoder in response to requests posted on our forum.

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IDEA: Virtual Flashlight

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I would like to have a software which would create a virtual spotlight or flashlight, wherever mouse pointer moves

Similar tools which work only with MAC:
omniDazzle (http://www.omnigroup...ications/omnidazzle/)
Mousepose (http://boinx.com/mousepose/)

Would like to have more features like 'hiding the mouse pointer' etc..

Thanks, Cheers!

Download the coding snack written to do this..

Silly Idea? A program that counts out loud

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I had a funny idea today, and although i can't for the life of me think of a real use for this, it might be a fun project for someone looking to mess around with speech synthesis libraries.

Idea is a small program that just starts counting out loud like:
one, two, three, ..., five thousand and fifty four, ...
and so on until you stop it.

Might be interesting to put it on while you are trying to get to sleep.  I think for something like this it would be nice to use a quality voice library or maybe even custom recordings of the numbers (such a limited vocabulary so it should be possible).

Download the programs members wrote to do this..

SubDude, a subtitle renaming program

Here's a little program i made for myself to automatically rename subtitles files to match video files because i was tired of doing it by hand. I guess this program will not be very useful to english-speaking people but it might be to the others.

Here's the situation : you have a folder containing a few episodes or a whole season of a (100% free to download :-[) tv show. You download subtitles files for it and you realize the names of the of the video files and the names of the subtitles files don't match (ie Serie.s01e12.avi & Serie1x12.srt). If you want your media player to automatically load subtitles, you have to rename every subtitles files by hand.

Continue reading more about this tool and download now..

IDEA: Show number of characters as I type in email

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Sometimes I need to send an email which comes to my phone as an SMS. It would be handy to know when I have reached the 160 character limit as I type in real-time or even if I paste. Does anyone have an idea how this can be done and only show when I use Outlook Express (or Outlook) or when I use IE or FF for example. I don't need it when I am typing in Notepad.

Keep reading till the end of this thread to find a great new little Coding Snack tool called Count-as-you-type, whipped up by forum member lanux128 (jump directly to download here).

Re: IDEA: Show number of characters as I type in email

i seem to have too much time on hand so i came up with this AHK script.. there is a list of changes below. :)

Count-as-you-type v1.36
• display number of characters typed.
• needs Autohotkey for the AHK script. there is a compiled EXE as well.

• name change. 8)
• added tray-balloon notification when exceeding max character.
• auto-appear when OE compose window is active.
• launch GUI by double-clicking tray-icon.
• 'Close to Tray' button closes with text kept in memory (no re-typing).

• Added gui for configuration.
• Changed window detection from AHK Class to WinTitle (see note below).
• Added Nod's code for GUI changes. (Thanks, dude!)
• GUI closes when existing compose window is closed.
• Escape key now works the same as 'Send to Tray'.
• Minor fix: Settings for email app wasn't being saved.

Note: After recognizing the difficulties in supporting more than the three pre-defined email apps, i've added the 'Quick-Send' feature where you can use this script as a stand-alone tool. Basically, type your message then click on the 'Send' button and your default email app will be opened with the message in its compose window. To use this, check the 'Quick-Send' and your 'Copy' button will morph into 'Send' button. :)



* Count-as-you-type-v136.ahk (7.93 kB - downloaded 1261 times.)
* Count-as-you-type-v136.exe (237.26 kB - downloaded 1202 times.)

FileDraft - display newest files in a menu

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This is a small ahk script i made for myself because i was looking for a way to easily access my latest downloads. Today i thought that maybe it could be useful to other people so i made little modifications and improvements and here it is.

Here's how fileDraft works : put fileDraft.exe anywhere and create a shortcut to this exe with two parameters. First one is the folder you want to browse, second one is the number of files you want to display.

Example :
  • c:\fileDraft\fileDraft.exe "c:\downloads" 10 will display a menu showing the 10 most recent files in c:\downloads

FileDraft accepts a few keywords :
- <desktop> : desktop folder
- <user> : your "user folder" (i.e c:\documents and settings\username)
- <mydocs> : "My documents" folder
- <windir> : Windows folder

Examples :
  • c:\fileDraft\fileDraft.exe "<mydocs>\Torrent Downloads" 5 will display a menu showing the 5 most recent files in the "My Documents\Torrent Downloads"
  • c:\fileDraft\fileDraft.exe "<desktop>" 20 will display a menu showing the 20 most recent files on your desktop

The best way to use fileDraft is to place the shortcut on a toolbar or in the quicklaunch bar.

Hope it could be useful to someone :)

* fileDraft.exe (292.56 kB - downloaded 1985 times.)

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