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I've Never Donated Before
I know exactly why I made the dontation. (I've never made a donation to a site like this before; in fact, I've never seen a computer site that asked for donations.) I made the donation because of three things: (1) the very generous 50% discount, (2) the high quality of your backup article (which confirmed my earlier decision to buy Acronis True Image 8.0) which included observations about specific shortcomings in the software and (3) the winsome, gracious, candid tenor of your website generally and your request for financial support in particular. In other words, I made a small donation because you are who you are. Isn't that the way the world generally works? People hire you because of who you are, expressed largely by what you've already done. All the best to you in the months ahead.
J.G. image

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Mini-Review of Ink$aver (Money$aver)

What is Inksaver ? - That sounds like a silly question. It saves Ink or in other words Money because Inkjet Ink not only cost two arms and two legs, but is more expensive than vintage wine and oil at more than US$2000 a gallon.

And your Gosh it's cheap Guzzlejet (I mean Inkjet) printer is basically like a High powered SUV in that it is thirsty and drinks lots of it even when you don't step on the accelerator.

How do you fix the problem ?

In one word. Inksaver !

So if you want to save money, read on. And believe it or not, like Fineprint, (which also saves you Inkmoney https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=6519.0 )
and Print2Flash ( https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=7969.0 ),
Inksaver is unbelievably also another Work of Art and is almost idiot proof to use, and which I forgot about since it works wonderfully and so unobtrusively in the background.

Continue reading the full mini-review..

Textaizer - free tool to make pictures out of text parts

Textaizer is the most versatile Text Mosaic Creation freeware on the internet."
Textaizer is an application that turns your pictures in little pieces of art by re-painting the bitmap from text. Similar techniques exists such as ASCII art, by painting a bitmap from ascii characters with no particular sequence. Textaizer can be regarded as an intelligent ASCII text mosaic creator, where the input can be a random selection of ascii characters, but also predefined text.
This approach is similar to photo mosaic creation, where the photo is rebuild from small pictures that match the average color of the source bitmap wher it is placed. From a distance the picture is recognised, from close the individual pictures can be seen. Textaizer creates the same effect: from close you can easily read the text.
A second feature of Textaizer is to create genuine ASCII art pictures: text made from monospaced characters, famous for its application as e.g. e-mail stationairies.


Whats the best program to learn typing?

blog clipart
I can bear the shame no longer, and the truth must be revealed - I do not know how to touch type!

I spend the majority of my day, and lets be honest, more time I should at home, in front of a computer. I'm a programmer, and not an author, so I don't need to go 80 words/min, and I've gotten pretty good at -hunt-and-peck, but I want to learn how to type. A quick google search comes up with dozens of programs, each of which would have me believe are the absolute last word in perfection.

I found this site - http://typing-softwa...are-definitions.html, which compares some of them.

Continue reading what programs members suggest..

Folder-RSS: Monitor folder changes via rss

Folder-RSS generates an newsfeed containing changes within a folder. Use it to see what files are new in a particular folder by subscribing with an newsreader such as Opera.

folder-rss.exe "c:\browser downloads" d:\temp\latest.xml

You can only monitor specific files using wildcards. Put paths with spaces in quotes. Run it as a scheduled task once a day to generate a new feed! Defaults list the last 100 items that have been modified /are added within the last 14 days. Read-only, System and hidden files are not monitored unless specified.

AHK source + compiled .EXE provided. Your suggestions and comments are much appreciated..

Read more about this member written coding snack..

VMWare Workstation 6 is released today

Screenshot - 5_9_2007 , 1_17_58 PM_thumb.png
VMWS has finally gone out of beta and is released today.  With this version, VMware's support for Windows Vista moves from "experimental" to mainstream.

Personally I am most looking forward to these new features:

  • Debug applications in the guest OS, attach to a running process, and revert to a snapshot after the debug session has ended with Visual Studio and Eclipse integration
     (this one is a KILLER feature!!)
  • Invoke any virtual machine command from scripts to automate repetitive tasks with VIX Automation API (QA loves this)
  • Enable remote users to connect to virtual machines from VNC clients with built-in VNC support
     (Nice to have)

See: http://www.vmware.co...products/ws/new.html
See: http://www.vmware.co...and_Benchmarking.pdf

Sun: Pay open-source developers

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Things have to change here, I agree 100%.  It's just not right that people are getting rich off of open source coders and not giving anything back.  On the other hand, if people can figure out a way to share some of the revenue, Open Source could become a much more attractive choice for programmers, and we would all benefit.

Sun is proposing that open-source developers be paid for the revenue-generating technology that they have made available for free.

At the CommunityOne and NetBeansDay events in San Francisco on Monday, Rich Green, Sun executive vice president for software, expressed doubts about the current model in which open-source developers create free intellectual property and have others scoop it up to generate huge amounts of revenue.

"It really is a worrisome social artifact," Green said. "I think in the long term that this is a worrisome scenario [and] not sustainable. We are looking very closely at compensating people for the work that they do."

The current scenario is Robin Hood backwards: stealing from the poor and making others rich, said Green. He stressed that Sun, however, is the number-one contributor to open source worldwide.

There is a need to work closely with those in the open-source community to share revenues, said Green.


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