The NANY 2023 event is now closed.

If you are a coder, any new program (or addon) that you have released in the previous year, which is freeware/donationware for home users is eligible.

And if you are not a coder, you can still participate by helping coders with ideas and testing.

To join in the adventure, visit: The NANY 2023 forum section.

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Add Names To DVD Drives
If you have got multiple DVD drives installed on your computer system or are making use of virtual DVD drives you might have noticed that they do not come with proper names.. Some solutions are floating around on the Internet that involve Registry editing which is something that most inexperienced users do not want to do. A far better solution is a small program called Drive Namer which has been requested and completed at the Donation Coder forum a long time ago. Blog image

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NANY 2015 Release: MarkdownBuddy

Application NameMarkdownBuddy
Short DescriptionTool for viewing the parsed version of a markdown document
Supported OSesWindows 7 (Should work in Vista/8 also, but untested)
Web Page
Setup FilePortable
DescriptionMarkdown has taken off in a big way, and I use it in everything from publishing posts on websites to documentation in my code to writing fiction.  I love the descriptive nature of the formatting, and that all of the files are in plain text!  In many cases, however, I like to write in different barebones tools- but I can't see how it looks when it's formatted without opening it in some other editor.  I like the editors that have the real-time preview, but my favorite ones to write in don't have that facility.

On the mac, there is a application called Marked.  It is a Markdown Previewer. Now, you might think as I did- what is the use in having something that's not an editor?  It just previews?  But after you get further into markdown and the various tools out there, it quickly becomes evident that such a tool is invaluable if not essential.
  • Allows you to pick a file to be previewed
  • Allows the preview to be refreshed manually
  • Allow the export of the parsed document (HTML or PDF)
  • Specify an opacity of the window
  • Allow the changing of the background of the window
  • Allow the user to choose to update the document when it is saved

  • Allow the user to specify whether the window should always be on top or not
  • Allow the changing of options in the parsing of the document
NotesRequires .NET 4.5.

Original Precis:

I've gotten into Markdown in a big way, and one thing that I miss from my mac when I'm writing on windows is Marked.  So just like last year when I did the overlay tool from a tool that I found on the Mac, I'm going to do something similar to Marked for Windows.

From the Marked site:
Marked is a previewer for Markdown files. Use it with your favorite text editor and it updates every time you save. With robust features for previewing, reviewing and exporting beautiful documents, you can work in plain text while reveling in rich formatting.

Click here to read more, download, and discuss

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