The NANY 2023 event is now closed.
If you are a coder, any new program (or addon) that you have released in the previous year, which is freeware/donationware for home users is eligible.
And if you are not a coder, you can still participate by helping coders with ideas and testing.
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Ath's Software is where DC Member Ath keeps the software he has written and shared.
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NANY 2009 Summary Wrap UpThe NANY Challenge 2009 :: Wrap Up 2009 has set a new standard for the DonationCoder NANY Challenge, both in quality and quantity of Released Applications. High quality applications from games to journals, clocks to media players, and everything in-between, have been released are now available for download and use. The Challenge is not an easy task to complete: 6 weeks to write, test and release a new application! All our entrants have other responsibilities apart from the annual NANY Challenge. This year we had 44 coders of varying degrees of experience Pledge to release a New Application for the New Year and by January 1st we had a whopping 35 New Applications posted on the NANY 2009 Forum. Now the real fun begins: all the Applications are free to use, and the forum is a great place to offer feature requests or report issues. Many of the Applications are just the start of something bigger and will be developed further, so it is also a good place to keep up with their development. Congratulations to all the NANY 2009 Challenge Entrants! You've helped to make the NANY 2009 a great success. The 35 Successful NANY Entries Auto Cursor Move Auto Cursor Mover is a program that lets you set up a loop of actions for the cursor to go through and enter text if necessary. Features
BibleQuiz 2.4 Multi player Bible Quiz which started out as a "something to do" project when learning HTML. Could never figure out a way to keep score with HTML, so rewrote it in Visual Basic 6.0. Features
Comparer Many times when I was updating my software (or files) I needed an application for quick properties comparison. All of the existing file compare applications offer viewing files content but not some files types properties. So I wrote a tool where the main feature is Total Commander's content plugins usage. This application takes two files (or only one) and views their properties: ID3 tags, resolutions or EXE headers. The only effort to take is to find nice plug in and add to application. Features
cpfindex This application is a indexer which is based on wdx-plugins (big thanks to fenixproductions, on which api this program based. Features
CrazyLittleFingers Bub's are curious, bub's like to imitate. You're always amazed at the way bub copies the things that you do, and laugh when you see her with one hand on the keyboard and on on the mouse like a true fps'er, but at the same time getting quickly frustrated because 'nothing' is happening. And then she hits the magic combination to hack into the fbi, delete some important files and shutdown your computer. The solution, CrazyLittleFingers. I don't want to deny my bub the simple pleasure of tapping away at the keyboard mindlessly, she may well write the next great OS, or simply become a DC member like her dad (and then write a revolutionary new program, that's donationware, of course). The aim of CrazyLittleFingers is simple, lock out all the keys on the keyboard, except for one that lets you exit the program, and remap each key to provide a reward for bubs exploration. For example, pressing 'g' will display a goat and bleat, while pressing 'c' will moo at you and display a cow. Features
Crush Cryptonizer 1.1 Crypt/decrypt in an extremely high-secure way short files. I´d say there´s currently no harder encryption existing. It´s not based on standard crypting routines like AES, Serpent or Twofish and hashes like RipeMD, SHA or others. The program has exclusive in-built cruelty-cryptonite that makes it unusable for realtime-encryption/decryption! Technical information: A number, password or file can be used as input salt. Even if you take the same settings for encryption your encrypted file will be everytime totally different. During the whole process a shuffle-index is recalculated constantly from the results and the actual salt/key. The datas are eored and shuffled with the complete salt. Shuffling means the bytes are changed in the destination datas and the salt itself and so change the next following encryption pass. If the salt is longer than the datas to encrypt it starts at the beginning with this procedure - so the start position of the encryption can change every loop. While shuffling it calculates from the actual salt a new shuffle-index in a ping-pong way. This index shuffles the salt itself. It´s because of the nature of the calculation impossible to shorten the encryption in any way. You need to calculate the whole way back with all iterations to get to the original datas and to decrypt all you also need the position where to start in the salt. It´s not even the most imaginable secure way to crypt datas. Additionally it fully supports One-time pads. That is till now with right usage an uncrackable way of encryption (Wikipedia cit.: The one-time-pad is the only cryptosystem with perfect secrecy... OTP can be used, along with a more standard cryptosystem, in a superencryption scheme). Features The strength is its combination of iteration calculations, salt generation, code-shuffle algorithm that gives you the power to decide how long someone will take to decrypt it properly. This means: You can crypt a 4-byte text as example so hard that the decryption with the key could take several years on a Cray XT5 supercomputer if you like - the only problem is: You also need the same time to encrypt CrushLinx 1.2 You can use this prog to view or download content from numbered URLs (pictures/videos/attachments/Forum-entries). Features
CrushPad 1.0 Organize texts in Categories (Ticket-System - Multi-User possible with net drives). I use it to make notices during coding. Features
CZB Package 0.6 This package contains all FARR plugins which I have ever released. So those will be my last year's work. Moreover I have added JScalc plugin, which is quite useful calculator and plugin management system, where you can de/activate plugins, control their settings and see their html/txt files. To make the plugins work you must download latest fsubscript plugin. I recommend to download the one from this page as it has some minor changes. Features
Dad's Around 1.1 A bosskey application. Features
DecClock DecClock is a Tool to save time when you calculate with Time. Decimal Time is 100 seconds per minute/100 minutes per hour/100 hours per day (a second in decimal is 0.0864 seconds in normal time). Features
DropCommand 1.0 Enables drag and drop of files to a command window in Vista. Features
f0dder's Notepad++ Plugins 1.0 I've used a small set of small Notepad++ plugins for a while, to make my programming life a bit easier. Since mouser kept nagging me to do a NANY 2009 submission, I decided to clean up the plugins and package them so they're suitable for general use. The plugins are mainly biased towards C++ development. Features
Feedr 1.0 Simple RSS Feedreader application: Enter the RSS URL into the address bar and then read the feeds by selecting title. Features
File Replicator 1.0.0 File Replicator is a program that searches for a specified file within a specified root folder and replaces it with another copy of the file. This is useful for updating a file that is located in multiple folders to a newer version. This is a GUI based replacement for the File Propagator script. Fractal Explorers Viewing Mandelbrot set and Julia sets. The applications are written just for fun, as an étude of Ruby and OpenGL Shading Language. JuliaExplorer - Fractal Evolution JuliaExplorer allows you to explore Julia sets of quadratic polynomials of the form z^2+c. It allows you to zoom into any part of the generated set, but the even more exciting feature is the ability to change smoothly the value of the complex parameter c, and see the fractal evolve slowly from one form to another. MandelbrotExplorer - Into The Fractal MandelbrotExplorer allows you to explore the Mandelbrot set. It allows you to zoom into any part of the set. Fried Bablefish 1.0.7 When you are using online translators in your web browser, it's not that convenient to have to keep switching the languages back & forth to translate an ongoing conversation between 2 people. It is also kind of clunky to have a full browser window with toolbars and extensions getting in your way. And most browsers lack a feature to keep the window on top of all others. Originally, Fried Babelfish was powered by Babelfish and served as mini ad-free version if their translator. But with this release, it might still carry a bit of the old Babelfish look, but it has been completely rewritten and is now powered by Google's translator. Features
HexCards 1.08.2008.12.30 HexCards is a card game in which two players strategically place hexagonal cards on a playing field to capture the other's cards. Each of the six sides of each card is assigned a numeric value ranging from 1 to 10 (10 is displayed as an A). When you place a card on the playing field, you can capture cards in adjacent tiles if the value for that specific side is larger than the value on the adjacent card's side. Watch the video tutorial for a demonstration with instructions for more information. Features
I don't want to be homeless 1.0 So I've heard about people who have been homeless, or had nothing to start with. And they've gone from having nothing to getting their lives in order in 6 or 12 months. Well, I'm bad with money, always have been, but I've realized that I don't want to be homeless. So instead of letting myself hit rock bottom, I'm trying to not be so stupid now. So I'm making a little website that will let me track how much money I spend every day (not details at this point), on unessential items. When I eat out for lunch, or buy things that I don't need during the day etc. I'll also add goal-setting and targets in short time, as well as savings goals etc. For fun, I'll add some minor social features, like a user-ranking (logic to be determined). JustCloseSomeTasks 1.12 JustCloseSomeTasks is an utility to let you easily close inactive tasks. It saves taskbar space by offering you to close the stuff you've not used for a while. Tasks are automatically marked for closing when they're not used for a certain time period (expiry time). The program will learn your behaviour and adjust this expiry time. I use a lot of programs, and many at the same time. Because of this when a lot of windows are open the taskbar becomes cluttered and I lose the overview required. JustCloseSomeTasks knows which programs I've not used and helps me manage the others. Features
keyDB 1.0 Securely store web passwords. Features
Keyser The initial motivation for this plugin was to enable FARR to reuse the searches already available in one's local installation of Firefox -- those available via its Search Bar / Search Box. Firefox makes use of OpenSearch plugins to provide this functionality. OpenSearch plugins are used by Firefox, IE 7, and other apps to allow one to search various sites more conveniently and quickly. Features Supports:
Lacuna Launcher 1.0.0 Have you ever wished you had more control over the way applications are launched? Maybe setting a delay for launching applications at startup? How about spacing out the launching with a pause in between each one? Or control the order in which applications are opened? Or perhaps you just want to launch many applications with a single shortcut? Features
LifeSaver 1.03.3288 At the surface, it's Yet Another Diary/Journal Application. But as I've complained here, as recently as last month, a fundamental problem with all Diary software I've found is that the data is locked into a proprietary datastore and format. This is absolutely antithetical to the purpose of a diary: long-term tracking of thoughts. At some point in the future, our current applications and the format in which they store the data will be obsolete; it's imperative that something like this be easily extractable, in a way that can be imported into future systems. Features
MGTD 1.0 With MGTD (do not ask what it means) you can easily generate a document (.html) containing information about all ( selected ) tables and constraints for a selected user, in Oracle. Every table is described (what columns it contains, what data type (and size of it), nullable? information and a comment) and there is also a list of all constraints for that table (Primary keys, Checks, Foreign keys and Unique keys). You can select what you want this app to generate, and you can also filter or exclude tables, change colors for rows containig these data, etc. MiniBrowseIE 0.2 A basic internet browser utilizing the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I have been attempting to create a fully functional browser that is so good, I will use it personally, however I have yet to achieve that goal - this app aims to change that (for the 3rd time encounting, again from the ground up). Features
Multi Photo Quotes 1.10.01 This is a screensaver. It will let you show your own photos and combine them with random quotes (supports quote book files from my Popup Wisdom program and you can add your own). The most important aspect of this program is that it is being designed mainly for multimonitor systems -- so you will be able to choose how different monitors are treated (photo can span monitors, or show dif photos on different monitors, etc.) Features
PESplash Executable code steganography. I have submitted a rather unusual app that takes a different approach in steganography. I (with the help of friends and Oleh Yuschuk's disassembly engine) developed this application way back in 2003-2004. The app is called PESplash. It embeds text into windows exe files using interchangeable assembly opcodes. With this app you can create your own 'keys' (ops.dat file) that will be able to embed/read hidden text via a binary stream based on the interchangeable codes you have in your ops.dat file. So, it embeds this data into the CODE section of your executable file and will run just as originally compiled without error and yet contains hidden data. Now, be warned, if you decide on interchangeable opcodes and you are wrong, then your application will most likely not run correctly. the default ops.dat file contains most zero flag, interchangeable codes that should not be a problem to swap (but it's not perfect). So to summarize, it embeds text into your executable files. This could be used in nefarious ways (and is the reason i never released it to the public). Use with restraint, but it's a pretty cool way of tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), send messages, etc. Also, please note that this is free and without protection, however, if you plan on using this in a corporate/commercial product, then you must contact me for proper compensation. PopQuotes 1.0 The main point of this FARR plugin is to let you search many thousands of quotes to find ones that mention certain words, so you can past them in emails or whatever. You could also use it with your own custom text files (one item per line). It can read the same data files as my Popup Wisdom program (including standard unix fortune files). Features
PowerCircle 1.0 I needed a battery monitor that fit into my desktop. While I use RainMeter and like some of those meters, I figured I'd make my own. Features
Puppy Toes Dog Records 4.0.210 Allows dog breeders to keep breeding and medical records along with other important information on their dogs. Features
SuperSearch 1.0.0 Easily search websites with this tiny, but useful, android application. Inspired by Genius for the Palm. Tree List Tree List is a minimalistic application for easily creating hierarchical (tree-like) lists. I find it's a good idea to break down tasks into manageable steps and sometimes break those steps down further. I wanted a quick and easy way to do this on my computer. Tree List is what I came up with. Features
Trout My main audio player for many years has been, and will remain, foobar but there are some times when I just want a simple load'n'play type of player. An application that comes very close is Billy. It's a FANTASTIC little app that fits in with my preference in software...standard controls, no skins, etc. However, it only supports MP3, WAV, OGG, & FLAC and it also doesn't display tags. My audio collection comprises many more formats than that and I tag files religiously. So, with that in mind, I've always wanted to write my own simple player. A good friend and I have wrapped the BASS audio engine in AutoHotkey and I've written a player (in AutoHotkey as well) called Trout. Features
WishList 1.2 Manage your WishList's with ease! Features
Edit 2/2/2009: Removed incorrect Feature from HexCards Edit 3/2/2009: Added erroneously forgotten WishList |