The NANY 2023 event is now closed.

If you are a coder, any new program (or addon) that you have released in the previous year, which is freeware/donationware for home users is eligible.

And if you are not a coder, you can still participate by helping coders with ideas and testing.

To join in the adventure, visit: The NANY 2023 forum section.

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The N.A.N.Y. Programming Challenge for 2008

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New Apps for the New Year (NANY) 2008

Help us celebrate the new year with a bunch of brand new freeware programs!

It's time for the results of our annual programming challenge. The coders on our site were asked to:
  • Release a new freeware/donationware program of any kind, by Jan 1, 2008
  • It must not have been released prior to Dec 1, 2007

Some of the programs are rather specialized and whimsical, some are just a little silly, and substantial and serious.  But you'll probably find something that you find useful.

Do you have an mp3 collection? Use "WTF!? Music Info" to generate charts showing the statistics of your collection.  Do you need help staying motivated to keep to your new year's resolutions? Try "Point Motivator", an innovative motivational tool and tracking diary.

Congratulations to all the programmers who participated.  As always, if you find a program you like please consider making a small donation to the author.

Discuss on our forum..

WTF!? Music Info - Visualize your Music Collection Stats

Hi all!  Here's a little app that'll give you the lo-down on your music collection.  Shows stats based on artist, genre, or year.  I intend on building this this up in the future, but for now it's a neat little app to let you know what you got.

very fun stuff, works like a charm.

Read more, discuss, and download..

Point Motivator

Point Motivator is an application to help motivate you to do the things you want to do.

  • Focuses your attention on a tangible reinforcement "score" that provides immediate feedback about your actions.
  • Provides an intuitive visual display of your progress over time to provide positive reinforcement.
  • Lets you configure tasks and their associated value, and share these configurations with others.
  • Lets you set up rewards you can "purchase" with your earned points, to provide additional motivation.

This is actually a fairly substantial program that i've been wanting to write for quite some time.  It's designed so that people can share their xml item definition files easily so i hope we will see people creating sets of activities and rewards for specific purposes (dieting, exercise, schoolwork, phd studies, etc).


Click2LogIt is a way to keep track when events occur. It runs as a tray icon and clicking on the tray icon will log the date & time to a log file. Along with the datetime stamp a user-definable notation is made.

The impetus for this program was a coding snack idea posted by 222fbj.

This is another example of how fun the Coding Snacks section of our forum is, where strangers can come in and request a custom little utility to do something a bit unusual, and the result is a new piece of specialty freeware that inevitably serves a purpose for others.

Read more and download..

Coin Jar Calculator

This is an online web application that will allow you to estimate the value of your money (United States Currency only right now) in a coin jar.

Web Address:

This is in the running for my favorite entry in the NANY 2008 (disclaimer: i helped come up with the idea).  I just love the simple application of mathematics for an unusual purpose. -- mouser


KeyCounter is a small app that keeps track of how many times you press any key you've added to its list.  It falls into the useless but kind of cool stats category.  It was originally written upon request from a friend but I have since fleshed it out for NANY.

  • You can build out a list of only the keys you want to count.
  • Auto save and reload of your keylist and counts.
  • Export current list and counts to CSV format.

I don't know if this is as useless as the author says.. You could use it to explore character frequencies when performing certain tasks, or use it as a kind of counter system while watching a movie, etc.

Read more and download..

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