The NANY 2023 event is now closed.

If you are a coder, any new program (or addon) that you have released in the previous year, which is freeware/donationware for home users is eligible.

And if you are not a coder, you can still participate by helping coders with ideas and testing.

To join in the adventure, visit: The NANY 2023 forum section.

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It's Hard to Use Just One
Tried AppRocket once... liked it at first, then it got annoying and left my system. When I found FFR [Find and Run Robot], I was in love at first sight and I still consider it one of the most useful apps I've ever found. I start programs so much faster with it, it's great.  Just installed ClipBoard Help + Spell AND Process Tamer. I'm becoming a sucker for DonationCoder software. It's that good.
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The N.A.N.Y. Programming Challenge for 2008

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New Apps for the New Year (NANY) 2008

Help us celebrate the new year with a bunch of brand new freeware programs!

It's time for the results of our annual programming challenge. The coders on our site were asked to:
  • Release a new freeware/donationware program of any kind, by Jan 1, 2008
  • It must not have been released prior to Dec 1, 2007

Some of the programs are rather specialized and whimsical, some are just a little silly, and substantial and serious.  But you'll probably find something that you find useful.

Do you have an mp3 collection? Use "WTF!? Music Info" to generate charts showing the statistics of your collection.  Do you need help staying motivated to keep to your new year's resolutions? Try "Point Motivator", an innovative motivational tool and tracking diary.

Congratulations to all the programmers who participated.  As always, if you find a program you like please consider making a small donation to the author.

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