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Latest Forum Posts

Making Life Easier for Mac Users
I heard about you when trying to find a free screen shot capture utility [Screenshot Captor]. I write user guides as a small part of my job, and I love that I could get such a useful program for the PC (my mac has one inbuilt hehe). Looking through your catalogue since donating, there seem to be a few others that might be very useful to take the edge off having to use a PC all day. So my paltry donation (I'm a underpaid trainee) probably wont cover the use I get from your site.
J.N. image

Our daily Blog

This page spotlights the most interesting posts collected from our forum every day.

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What's your favorite computer game from when you were young?

We were talking on the irc channel about our favorite computer games from our childhoods.

all you young kids can just sit back and read this thread to see how games used to look, when there was no such thing as a first person shooter.

my girlfriend and i loved the lucasarts graphic adventure games and used to play them a lot.
our two favorites:

I think my favorites would be the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D games. I also enjoyed playing a similar game, Braham Stoker's Dracula, in which you ran around killing vampires and throwing holy wafers in coffins. KR

Read about other's favorite old games and tell us about your's...

EditThisPagePHP: For Collaborative Document Creation

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Here's a great tool to use when document creation requires the input and/or collaboration of more than one person. Take a look at this page if you have this need/situation.

What is EditThisPagePHP?

EditThisPagePHP is a tool for collaborative editing online. Pages can be made editable by authorized users, or anyone with something to contribute. Every version of a page is retained, so content is never lost.

EditThisPagePHP combines features of:
    * Blogs: optional user comments, sending and receiving trackbacks, and RSS feeds,
    * Wikis: an edit-this-page button, page history, page diffs, and it can email users when pages change,
    * Content Management Systems: multiple roles (by default a reader, an editor, and a super-editor), each with different privileges.

Originally created for management of a single page, EditThisPagePHP has been extended so that multiple pages can be managed from a single configuration file. You can copy a page from the administration panel, and the new page will use the same configuration as the original...


Wallet Test = Honesty Test -> How Will People Behave?

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Here's an interesting situation. Will people keep or return the valuables when a wallet is dropped in front of them?

...Each of the 100 wallets contained $2.10 in real money, a fake $50.00 gift certificate, some miscellaneous items and a clearly written ID card identifying the lost wallet's rightful owner. We were curious as to how honest people would be and wanted to see how different groups would compare to each other. For example, who would return the wallets more often... men or women? Young or old?


There are lots of details that might call into question some of the statistical results, but it's still interesting.
posted by KenR donate to KenR
discovered on alex3f
(permalink) (read 6 comments)

CyberNotes: Recover Deleted Files Free

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One of my worst nightmares is deleting a file from my PC just to realize that I still needed it. It has happened to me several times, especially since one of my favorite key combinations is Shift+Delete, which “permanently” deletes a file– bypassing the Recycling Bin. Then a few moments later is when you say “uh oh!” Have no fear, because Windows just deletes the reference to the file without actually removing the file from your hard disk…therefore giving you the possibility to recover your lost file. This is also important because if you can recover files that have been “deleted,” so can many other people.


On more than one occasion, I have accidentally deleted important data files. On those occasions that I did not have backups (or worse - I had deleted important files from someone else's computer) I had to turn to Undelete Utilities. While most of these cost money and can be pretty expensive, this article is about recovering your lost data without shelling out for one of these costly undelete utilities.

Roxik Pictaps - Let your Drawings Dance - Brilliant!

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Roxik Pictaps - Let your Drawings Dance

This is so cool and fun. You draw a little character and then watch it dance around surrounded by it's clones, in a semi 3d world. If you have a young kid, you need to bring them to this site for some laughs.


posted by mouser donate to mouser
discovered on http://drawn.ca
(permalink) (read 7 comments)

FatBlog: "Joel, Please Get Off of Software"

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I link to Joel Spolsky essays quite frequently (I find them often insightfull even if Joel can be much too self-promoting for my tastes).
Well member f0dder on our forum posted a link on a recent forum thread, to a blog that rips into Joel with some serious skill and humour.  For your consideration is this terrific autopsy with commentary on an essay Joel wrote on hiring people:

Am I the only person who’s sick of watching people like Joel On Software spew obvious nonsense? Starting a business is about not throwing away your budget. Most of us don’t have a several year old blog full of other nonsense to convince VCs to recapitalize us just because we lit our first budget on fire to watch the pretty dollars burn.
>“The Aeron chair has, sadly, been tarnished with a reputation of being extravagant, especially for startups.“


What can I say other than I have a new blog to read on a regular basis. Great stuff. In this long and very entertaining piece there are also some nice book recommendations.

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