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Save as TIFF, preserve object editing - see Transparency help.
Save in Original format, no more object editing - see Transparency help.
Save in original format with External .object file - see Transparency help.


Always Ask - see Transparency help.
Always save objects during Save As.. - see Transparency help.


Switch to Object Selection mode after a new object is inserted - If you have to draw lots of arrows or place lots of objects, you might want to change the default behavior and UNCHECK the program from switch into object selection mode after adding a new object.
Highlight current selection when switching to highlight mode - Lets you select a region and press the highlight box button, to cause a highlight box to be created instantly around selection.


Remove all orphaned .object files now - see Transparency help.


Use Antialias when editing (slow) - Antialiasing smooths the lines of arrows and boxes, but it slows down rendering.  Check this to have it applied all the time.
Use Antialias when saving - Check this to apply antialiasing of objects only at the time of save.