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New Apps for the New Year 2009New Apps for the New Year (NANY) is the motto of the Nany Challenge over at Donation Coder. It's already the second year of the challenge and lots of new software programs have been released during that challenge. To be precise: 35 new and free software programs have been released which more than doubled the count of last year. Each application can be downloaded right away from the Donation Coder website and works without registration or other inconveniences.. Comparer is a file comparison tool that can compare (among other things) all file properties. File Replicator is another interesting program. It can search for a certain file in a selected folder and replace that file with another one. Think of updating files that reside in multiple locations on the computer's hard drive.. I do not want to spoil the fun of exploring all those new programs.. It is definitely worth a visit; And who knows, maybe you find the program there that you have been searching for all of your life.
Addons for the Find and Run Robot Program
This page collects addons for the Find and Run Robot program that have been posted on our forum over the years. Click a link to go to the forum thread discussing the addon and download.
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FARRCloneWithDatestamp -- FARR helper tool to make datestamped copy of a fileFARRCloneWithDatestamp is a FARR helper tool to make a datestamped copy of a currently selected file in Explorer. The copy is placed in the same folder. Have you ever done ctrl+C ctrl+V on a file and then edited its name, perhaps added a datestamp in order to keep track of which copy is more recent than the others? Then this might just be a tool for you. Setup: 1 paste the code into a text editor and save as FARRCloneWithDatestamp.ahk and then compile it (you need for that). 2 store the compiled FARRCloneWithDatestamp.exe in some folder 3 create a FARR alias like this alias name: clone regex pattern: ^(clo|clon|clone)$ result box:Clone selected with datestamp | C:\some\folder\FARRCloneWithDatestamp.exe %LASTHWND% To use it open Explorer and select a file you want to create a clone of. Press your FARR hotkey, type "clo" and when the alias shows press enter. Next to your "file.txt" you should now see "file -- 20151213092801.txt" . #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% #SingleInstance force x = %1% ;hwnd parameter from FARR ;FARRCloneWithDatestamp -- a helper tool for FARR ;what it does: ;focus the window that matches input parameter hwnd ;if explorer window: get selected files, parse first file ;make a copy of "file.ext" as ;"file -- [datestamp yyyymmddhhmmss].ext" in the same folder ;report status, exit if x = exitapp WinGetClass, xclass, ahk_id %x% if xclass != CabinetWClass ;exit if not Explorer win exitapp WinActivate, ahk_id %x%, ifwinNotactive, ahk_id %x% exitapp clip := ClipBoardAll clipboard = send ^c ;copy clipwait, 2 if errorlevel != 0 exitapp Loop, Parse, clipboard, `n, `r { p := a_loopfield ;first file in selection break } clipboard := clip ;restore if InStr( FileExist(p), "D") exitapp splitpath, p, pname,pdir,pext,pnoext FileCopy, %p%, %pdir%\%pnoext% -- %A_now%.%pext% if !Errorlevel tooltip, Clone %pdir%\%pnoext% -- %A_now%.%pext% created else tooltip, ERROR. Failed to clone %pname% sleep 2000 exitapp |