2-XL Simulator
This is a Macromedia Flash simulator for a brilliant elelctronic children's toy from 1978. It engeniously switched tracks on standard 8-track audio track tapes to create the illusion of an intelligent questioner.
I had a 2-XL when i was a young kid and I have very fond memories of it; it was the humour of it that most stays with ...
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Ghacks.net is a technology blog that started in 2005, around the same time that DonationCoder got started. Although it covers a diverse set of technology topics, it has been one of the reliably excellent blogs for discovering and keeping up to date on Microsoft Windows applications.
Martin, who runs ghacks, has always taken a keen interest in the events and software we make here at DonationCoder, and we're proud to call ghacks a friend.
Welcome to the 2-XL Toy Robot Simulator
Instructions for Use
- Click "Start" to begin.
- Now plug in power cord (outlet in lower left).
- Select a cartridge and insert it.
- Then turn on 2-XL's power switch (red button on lower right).
- Push the buttons when he says you should..