What are Coding Snacks?
Coding Snacks represent the best of DonationCoder.
On a special section of our forum, anyone can post an idea for a small custom utility/program.
Coders who hang out on our forum keep an eye out for interesting requests and when they see one that catches their interest, they code it and release it to the public for free.
People who find the tools useful are encouraged to donate directly to the coders to show their appreciation.
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Elite Freeware on DonationCoder.comDonationcoder.com the site where i have found many of the greats apps that i have featured in my blog like FAAR and WishList is having a fundraiser to help pay it's hosting expenses which are a lot, so if you have a few bucks laying around please consider making a donation to the site. Usually i wouldn't make an appeal for another site but Donation coder is special to me, it hosts a large number of good apps while also having one of the nicest communities that i have ever seen in a forum, sometimes people there will try make a program based on a request that you made which is simply awesome! I already donated and i hope that you do too if you can, Donation Coder is worth it in my opinion.
What are Coding Snacks?
Coding snacks are small custom utilities written by coders who hang out on DonationCoder in response to requests posted on our forum.
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CPUlight: Run application on low CPU levelI'm on the scrounge again. Does anyone know of software (preferably free or low cost) which will run an application when the CPU level and/or disk activity falls below a certain limit or when the keyboard /mouse is idle (but able to set idle time in seconds rather than minutes. Solution from doublebogey : CPUlight, an AHK scrip |