The Long Tail and its DoubtersThe Long Tail is a provactive book (based on an article by a Wired magazine editor), that talks about the new abilities for sellers to focus on (and make profit on) the items farther away from majority appeal. See: From a review of the book: The long tail is the colloquial name for a long-known feature of statistical distributions that is also known as "heavy tails", "power-law tails" or "Pareto tails". In these distributions a high-frequency or high-amplitude population is followed by a low-frequency or low-amplitude population which gradually "tails off". In many cases the infrequent or low-amplitude events--the long tail--can cumulatively outnumber or outweigh the initial portion of the graph, such that in aggregate they comprise the majority. In this book the author explains how due to changing technology it is now not only feasible but desirable in business to cater to the "long tail" of this curve.
Some thoughtfull worries about google misbehavior from FireFox developerI know there are quite a few of us who feel a bit uneasy about google's arguably increasingly questionable behaviors and desire to dominate the web.. Some nice writing today by FireFox developer.. http://www.blakeross...6/12/25/google-tips/ Google is now displaying “tips” that point searchers to Google Calendar, Blogger and Picasa for any search phrase that includes “calendar” (e.g. Yahoo calendar), “blog” and “photo sharing,” respectively. This is clearly bad for competitors, and it’s also a bad sign for Google. And I think this hits on why i don't have a great feeling about google having such a monopoly on everything: But we’re not there yet, and in many ways, Google’s new age “bundling” is far worse than anything Microsoft did or even could do. Microsoft threw spaghetti at the wall and hoped it stuck, and likewise there’s nothing wrong with Google’s arbitrary front page ads. The difference here is that Google knows what users want and can discreetly recommend its products at the right time. Microsoft can’t easily hide a program packaged with Windows (and doing so would defeat the purpose), but competitors can only discover Google’s bundling, which might be transient or limited to certain regions, through trial and error searching.
discovered on
(read 22 comments) |
Bribing Bloggers - Joel, and Others, Weigh InYou've probably heard about the recently thing where Microsoft and AMD gave away Vista-loaded tricked out laptops to top bloggers in an effort to get some good publicity. There has been a lot of talk on the web recently about the ethics/morality of the move, and some thoughtfull discussion pieces are emerging. There's an interesting debate going on about whether bloggers should accept gifts from vendors. Read Joel's essay: http://www.joelonsof...tems/2006/12/28.html Read more essays on the subject at TechMeme: http://www.techmeme....61228/p68#a061228p68 |
Latest Creating Passionate Users Essay: Don't make the Demo look DoneThe "Creating Passionate Users" Blog is one of the best sources for insightfull essays on user interface design and on building software for users. Right up there with Joel Spolsky in terms of good writing and solid principles. Today's essay is very thought provoking and somewhat counter-intuitive, and talks about the nature of the demo you should show off of your work-in-progress.. When we show a work-in-progress (like an alpha release) to the public, press, a client, or boss... we're setting their expectations. And we can do it one of three ways: dazzle them with a polished mock-up, show them something that matches the reality of the project status, or stress them out by showing almost nothing and asking them to take it "on faith" that you're on track. Read the article.. |
Companies paying people to say good things about their products on forumsArticle about Geurilla marketing and NVIDIA paying people to build up reputations on forums so that they can later say good things about the product: About a week ago, The Consumerist stumbled upon claims made by various gaming websites (specifically, Elite Bastards and Beyond3D) that graphics chip manufacturer Nvidia, in cooperation with the Arbuthnot Entertainment Group (AEG), had seeded various gaming and PC hardware enthusiast sites with pro-Nvidia shills. That is to say, that AEG would hire employees to create ‘personas’ in various gaming communities, slowly building up the trust of other members by frequent posting unrelated to Nvidia, to later cash in that trust with message board postings talking up the positive qualities of Nvidia’s products. Read the article.. |
Digg rigging?interesting article about accusation of rigged votes. Digg Corrupted: Editor's Playground, not User-Driven Website Read the article.. |
Article: Inside the Spyware Scandal -- Part 2Inside the Spyware Scandal -- Part 2 .. Read the article.. |
Digg, the wisdom of crowds, the hive mind, netscape, and competitorsthere's been a lot of talk recently about the new sites that are planning on challenging the popularity of
for example see: http://www.readwrite.../digg_ceo_jay_ad.php Digg CEO Jay Adelson took time out of his busy schedule to email me some thoughts about Netscape's new digg-inspired community news site. Jay's thoughts below, but first some context. I've written two posts about the new Netscape site. In the Read/WriteWeb post I had two main points: |
Broken Windows Theory: On MS Windows DevelopmentAn interesting post by a MS blogger, about the "inner workings" behind Vista development. Link: [...] |
Why is so much software cracked?Read the long discussion on our forum..
First Monday Article: Fundamental issues with open source software developmentYou may not agree with all of it, but it's an interesting read by someone trying to give helpful advice to the open source community. Despite the growing success of the Open Source movement, most of the general public continues to feel that Open Source software is inaccessible to them. This paper discusses five fundamental problems with the current Open Source software development trend, explores why these issues are holding the movement back, and offers solutions that might help overcome these problems. The lack of focus on user interface design causes users to prefer proprietary software’s more intuitive interface. Open Source software tends to lack the complete and accessible documentation that retains users. Developers focus on features in their software, rather than ensuring that they have a solid core. Open Source programmers also tend to program with themselves as an intended audience, rather than the general public. Lastly, there is a widely known stubbornness by Open Source programmers in refusing to learn from what lessons proprietary software has to offer. If Open Source software wishes to become widely used and embraced by the general public, all five of these issues will have to be overcome: http://www.firstmond...s/issue9_4/levesque/ |
Article: The Six Sins of the WikipediaInteresting article.. It is a question of time before the Wikipedia self-destructs and implodes. It poses such low barriers to entry (anyone can edit any number of its articles) that it is already attracting masses of teenagers as "contributors" and "editors", not to mention the less savory flotsam and jetsam of cyber-life. People who are regularly excluded or at least moderated in every other Internet community are welcomed, no questions asked, by this wannabe self-styled "encyclopedia" http://www.americanc....asp?articleID=11109 |
Really interesting post about new netscape digg-clone and paying bloggersThis is really quite interesting..
In some sense it sounds a little sleazy, but on the other hand it sounds completely reasonable to me. I basically agree with its general hypothesis that most of these sites are being driven by a very small group of dedicated "experts" who are adding huge amounts of content. and this content is building traffic and thus generating ad money. so shouldnt these "bloggers" get paid for creating the content that the site is getting rich off of? seems reasonable to me, and putting these people on the payroll also sounds reasonable. (though 150 stories a month seems a bit of a serious workload!) What do you guys think? Read the article.. |
Financial Advice Websites and BlogsTired of eating noodles every other week? Too poor to buy that lapdance, or do you find yourself staring at the counter, deciding whether to spend your last $5-spot on candy or fast food? The Get Rich Slowly blog has some solid Money Tips for Students that I wish I'd had back in the day.
What we believe but can not proveOur day-to-day beliefs often come from established theories, but what about beliefs based on theories in progress? A new book asks literary and scientific thinkers about what they believe but cannot prove. Read the article.. |
FTC Moves to Unmask Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Endorser Must Disclose Link to Seller"FTC Moves to Unmask Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Endorser Must Disclose Link to Seller" The Federal Trade Commission yesterday said that companies engaging in word-of-mouth marketing, in which people are compensated to promote products to their peers, must disclose those relationships. Read the original Washington Post Article..
Anil Dash: Nice analysis on why Google Answers Failed where Another SucceededSummary: In 2002, Google launched one of their few pay services, Google Answers. The service attracted only 800 responders in the past 4 years, and was shut down a few weeks ago. Three years ago, Matt Haughey created Ask MetaFilter, pays no money to those who answer questions, and has turned the site into a successful part of his business using, in part, Google AdSense to support the site. |
Want to be a popular name-dropping, annoying, self-absorbed blogger? Scoble Tells HowRobert Scoble has a very popular blog, and today he posts some tips for others on how to increase your traffic if you have a blog. Most of the advice he gives is fairly common knowledge, but here are some more tips if you want to blog like Robert Scoble: Write constantly about all the big names you know and meet - take pictures of yourself with them. Drop famous names as often and frequently as possible. Remember, the more stars you meet - the more important you are and the more people need to read you to get some of your star dust. Find a sponsor who is willing to pay to have you mention them 10 times in each post, at every possible occasion, regardless of the context, even if it's just to make a statement like "Oh by the way my wonderful sponsor X is great because they don't make me mention them." Most of the time you should focus on talking about yourself and the big shots you know. But sprinkle these posts with discussions reflecting on how cool it is that you spend most of your time takling about yourself and the big shots you know. Read Robert Scoble's advice: here.
Nine Ways to Combat SpamHere are some good pragmatic suggestions for our "constant battle". Anyone with an inbox nowadays knows that email spam is a real and serious problem. Luckily there are a number of techniques you can employ to contain this phenomenon and decrease the amount of junk mail you receive. |
A set of Essays about Web2.0: Fake Sharing vs. Real SharingA thoughtfull recent debate sparked some noteable essays on the blogosphere recently: http://www.roughtype...0/web_20ier_than.php http://radar.oreilly...real_sharing_vs.html |
Coding Horror Blog Entry: The Field of Dreams StrategyWe have a tendency to fetishize audience metrics in the IT industry. Presenters stress out about about their feedback ratings and measure themselves by how many attendees they can attract for a presentation. Bloggers obsessively track their backlinks, pagerank, and traffic numbers. I see it a lot, and it's strange to me. I don't chase those numbers. I couldn't even tell you how many readers I have, or what my presentation ratings were. I don't mean to sound glib, but I don't care. http://www.codinghor...archives/000702.html
Blog Review: Making Comics - How to communicate visuallyMagnificent! A work of genius. The best how-to manual ever published. I could keep piling on the superlatives because this book is simply a masterpiece. At one level, it is a comic book about how to make comics, and for that it is supreme; the best. It will walk you through every step of making a comic, including how to make them on the web, digitally, or in pen and ink. I've been working on a near-completed graphic novel, and every page has told me something important and spot on. With brilliant graphics, Scott McCloud combines the most profound insights from his two previous books, Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics. But in this book he raises your understanding of graphic communication further by making every lesson utterly practical and useful for both novice and expert. I can't imagine anyone ever doing a comic manual better.
Blog Article: Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute"Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute" Summary:
Read/WriteWeb On Social Networking: Time For A Silver BulletThere are hundreds of emergent social networks, but I've shortlisted a few that are worth keeping an eye on (apart from the obvious ones, like MySpace and Facebook).. http://www.readwrite...ng_silver_bullet.php |
Article: The Social Bookmarking does this kind of article a lot, and the articles are useful: "The Social Bookmarking Faceoff" The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that question. http://www.readwrite...kmarking_faceoff.php |
Essay: How Digg Gets Everything Backwards.. And How to Fix ItDigg is a wonderful idea.. but it's horribly broken. It suffers from a fundamental flaw in design. In fact its entire approach to leveraging the crowd's wisdom is completely backward. Digg is using crowds in the wrong way, for the wrong role. If we ask instead what is the crowd good at, and when do we need domain experts, we end up with a completely different model..
Is Cybersex Cheating?Two weeks ago, I was on stage with four other folks at the Second Life Community Convention, talking about cybersex. The agenda had slipped its schedule and we were running late, so when it came time for questions, we were only able to take two. Article: See also the regular Wired column on Sex+Technology:
Piracy as Progressive Taxation?In his entry The Fan Mail That An Author Wants To Get, Nat referenced my assertion that obscurity is a greater threat to authors than piracy. That was from a piece I wrote in 2002, entitled Piracy is Progressive Taxation. It contained seven lessons from my experience as a print and online publisher: http://radar.oreilly...essive_taxation.html |
Paul Graham: Why is it that so few people do what they love?I have to share this with you. The clarity of Paul Graham is just scary. He has nailed the problem he writes about! I find that pretty much every paragraph is absolute brilliance. Why is it that so few people do what they love? |
Is Jeff Atwood Wrong?? Recent Blog Debate About Donating to Open Source ProjectsI absolutely love jeff atwood's Coding Horror blog, but found myself in rare disagreement with him this morning.. He posted some reflections on another blog entry by Scott Hanselman on the death of the open source project NDoc.
The Hive: New Long Article on WikipediaCan thousands of Wikipedians be wrong? How an attempt to build an online encyclopedia touched off history’s biggest experiment in collaborative knowledge http://www.theatlant...doc/200609/wikipedia |
Article form Web2.0 puts users in control of everying, but wont share profitsthis is a nice article that is relevant to, and i hope this is an issue that will continue to get attention. surely sites built on the content created with others should not be getting rich off this content while the creators get nothing. surely the solution is that much (most) of the profits should go to the community of content creators.. I’ve been following an interesting trend of power grabs by Web 2.0 companies, from MySpace to YouTube to Google — Web 2.0 is supposed to be all about the “user,” but when it comes to profit making the user is getting shut out: Read the article.. |