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xplorer², a powerful windows file manager and explorer replacement / alternative

Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 9_47_18 PM.png
Basic Info
App Namexplorer² [pro] (a.k.a xplorer2, x2, x²)
App Version Reviewed1.7.0.4 [Unicode] (30.Jun.07)
Test System SpecsWindows XP, 60GB HD, 1GB RAM, P4 4GHz
Supported OSesWindows 9x, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista (!)
Support MethodsEmail support. Also has a large active user forum
Upgrade Policy"Although there is no explicit "free for life" upgrade policy for xplorer2,
all upgrades were free since 2004. At any rate I wouldn't base my selection
on the future so much as on what the software can do *now* to help me with
my file management tasks"
Trial Version Available?Yes - 21 day trial
Pricing Scheme$29.95 - 1 User License
Reviewer Author Donation LinkClick Here to Donate Now
Screencast Video URLscreencasts and screenshots of xplorer² in action doing various operations.. check these out!

xplorer² (x² from now on) is a windows based file manager. What exactly is a file manager? A file manager is some thing you use to arrange and organize your (computer) files.. If you are using Windows you are probably familiar with Windows Explorer - the stocked file manager that comes with windows.. it is heavily integrated in to the windows system. You may know from usage of Windows explorer is that is a) too slow, b) missing a lot of functions and c) lacking great customization - such as being able to hilite certain file types, save layouts, adding toolbars, etc.

Welcome to x²! One of the first things you will notice with x² is that it has 2 panes (2 window areas you can work with - at the same time).
2 panes you say? Yup, 2 panes.. you would be amazed at how much of a time saver this is when working between many folders.. Instead of switching between 2 or more Window Explorer windows, you can be in one x² window, working with folders side by side.. drag and drop (as well as cut and paste) operations are so much faster and easier!

x² can also use tabs.. Just like FireFox can have many tabs under one window/instance.. x² can have many tabs open on each pane..

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