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If you are the person running the mircryptionboard server, either through your local mirc or on an eggdrop, you will have to specify what news boards you want to make available to users on your channels.

If you are just installing the mircryptionboard client to use with someone else's news server, then you can skip the news server configuration file section.


Mircryptionboard works with the concept of "boards."  A board (newsboard) is a collection of sections, where each section can contain any number of individual "posts" (or items).  Sections are simply a way to group posts into subject categories.  Different boards are independent of one another, and any given channel can only have access to a single board.


The Mircryptionboard news server comes preconfigured with a single, empty news board called testnews, with permissions set to allow anyone on any channel you are on to add to it.


You can configure the news server to allow only specific people to access your news server, and you can set up multiple independent boards for different channels (each board can hold multiple sections).  The Mircryptionboard system was designed so that different channels can share the same newsboard or use independent boards that are securely isolated from one another.  The main security afforded by boards is the ability to encrypt the contents of each board with a unique blowfish keyphrase, which provides strong encryption, but you can also pre-emptively restrict access to boards (or sections of boards) using an independent password mechanism.


The server uses one central configuration file, mcb_options.cfg, which specifies some generic information about what channels have access to what boards.


In addition to this central configuration file, each "board" also has its own file, which holds all posts to the board and other board options.  The board files are of the form: mcb_news_*.cfg, where * is replaced by the board name.  So the preconfigured testnews board is described in the file mcb_news_testnews.cfg.


The sections that follow describe how to configure these files.