Main Options File (mcb_options.cfg)

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A typical mcb_options.cfg file looks like this:




 CHANNEL = #mircryption


         filename = mcb_news_mcnews.cfg

         isprivate = true

         AutoIrcTopic = true


 CHANNEL = default





The mcb_options.cfg file tells the mircryptionboard server what boards are associated with what channels.

You can have as many CHANNEL entries as you want.

The default entry can set a board which should be used if the channel is not matched explicitly.


Channel Variables:

filename                -        the filename for the board's configuration file.  Note that this should be of the form mcb_news_*.cfg
isprivate                -        if true, then only those who explicity specify the boards private name can access it (the private name is the * part above).
AutoIrcTopic        -        if true, then topic changes on this channel will be automatically logged to the board in a special section specified in the board configuration file.


About privacy and security:

The main security afforded by boards is the ability to encrypt the contents of each board with a unique blowfish keyphrase, which provides strong encryption, but you can also pre-emptively restrict access to boards (or sections of boards) using an independent password mechanism.  Only the encryption key is considered cryptographically secure - the other mechanisms are convenience measures which will prevent normal irc users from accessing your newsboard, but will not stop someone who hacks the shell server (or the shell owner) from accessing your files.


Although the encryption of boards protect your news files from being understood by those without the proper keyphrase, you will generally want to give each board a non-obvious name and mark it as private from within the mcb_options.cfg file.  That way, if someone tries to ask your news server bot to read your news board, they will be rejected because they do not know the name of the news board.



If you use the AutoIrcTopic function, bear in mind that topics are only encrypted if users use the encrypted topic feature of mircryption.  If plain text topics are set, then they will be stored within the news file in plain text.