Log File Rules

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Rules have the following format:


log <events> in <targets> from <nicknames> to <output> [options]



The events are thesame as the remote name for that event, ie. "text,notice,join,part,action,kick,quit,nick,mode,topic,all"

Multiple events are to be seperated by commas.  The event 'all' matches every event. Events can be negated by prefixing them with a exclamation mark (eg. !kick).



The target is the 'target' of the event.  This could be a channel, nickname (for query), a '#' or '?' to match all channel/queries.  Seperate targets by commas.



The user(s) triggering the event, seperated by commas.  Can be a wildcard. Nicknames can be prefixed with an @ or + to indicate that they must be opped or voiced.



The output is where the log is sent to.  This can be a file, a window, a #channel/nick, or a command.  Each are prefixed by their type, ie.


 window @hi

 irc nick/#chan

 file &t.&w.log


you could put specify the window as an /echo switch due to the way it works, such as 'window -a'. Logs will then echo in the active window.


File's have meta-characters starting with &.  These are:


 &c  - active Channel (same as &a)

 &t  - Target (usefull for rules involving both channels AND queries)

 &n  - Nickname

 &w  - Network

 &dd - date (format yyyy_mm_dd)

 &dm - date (format mmm_yyyy)

 &dfyyyy = $asctime(yyyy)

 &dfyy = $asctime(yy)

 &dfmmmm = $asctime(mmmm)

 &dfmmm = $asctime(mmm)

 &dfmm = $asctime(mm)

 &dfm = $asctime(m)

 &dfdddd = $asctime(dddd)

 &dfddd = $asctime(ddd)

 &dfdd = $asctime(dd)

 &dfd = $asctime(d)

 &dpw - month section (1-4)

 &dpt - month section (1-8)


 Important note: currently all files must be specified in "short" format (ie no spaces).



Options modify the way the event is logged:

 strip                - strip codes from logged text

 notimestamp        - dont timestamp entries in the file

 noencrypt        - dont use encryption in this channel

 stop                - dont trigger subsequent log rules for event




** EXAMPLE 1 **


log join,part in # from * to file Logs\modes.&c.log strip notimestamp


This will log all joins and parts in any channel (#) from any nickname to the file modes.<#channelname>.log with no timestamp. The 'strip' on the end means that control codes are stripped from every event.


** EXAMPLE 2 **


To do the standard mIRC logging, add the following rule:


log all in #,? from * to file Logs\&t.&w.log


However, this will make private notices also log to query logs, so you may want to use this:


log !notice,all in #,? from * to file Logs\&t.&w.log


If you were in a channel that you don't want to log, such as #warez, you could make it:


log !notice,all in !#warez,#,? from * to file Logs\&t.&w.log


The !notice MUST come before the 'all', and the !#warez MUST come before the other targets due to the way it's parsed.  In other words, make sure you put the negated parameters before the others.


** EXAMPLE 3 **


log mode in #scripters from @* to window @opwatch


This will log all channel modes that ops do into the window @logwatch.  Generally only ops can do modes anyway, but you get my point.


** EXAMPLE 4 **


log all in #,? from * to file Logs/&w/&t/&dm.log


This will do standard mirc style logging, but store log files in a directory hierarchy like network/chanell/Date.log



** EXAMPLE 5 **


/mclog add log all in #,? from * to file E:\MYDOCU~1\MISCCO~1\Logs\irc\&w\&dfyyyy\&dfmm&dfmmmm\&t&dpw.log strip


More examples:


 log !mode,all in #,? from * to file Logs\Mirc\&dfyyyy\&dfmm&dfmmmm\&t\&dpw&dfmmm&dfyy.log strip stop