Adding Basic Logging Statements

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JrDebugLogger was designed to let you add debug logging statements to your code in a syntax identical to normal output statements  You may use both printf-style debug statements and stream io style debug statements.  Some aliases are also defined to let you use the identifiers you prefer (short lowercase names or longer uppercase names);


Basic printf-style debug logging statements:

dbprintf("This is a debugging message.");

dbprintf("There are %d items.",count);

The above statements could also be written as:

JrPrintf("This is a debugging message.");

JrPrintf("There are %d items.",count);


Basic stream io style debug logging statements:

debugout << "This is a debugging message.";

debugout << "There are "<<count<<" items.";

Or alternatively:

JrDebugStream << "This is a debugging message.";

JrDebugStream << "There are "<<count<<" items.";


You can mix and match printf style and stream style output;  sometimes printf style can be easier for unusual formatting requirements, but stream output is safer and is easier to use with arbitrary objects.


NOTE: The examples above show only the most basic use of debug logging statements; see the advanced section for more sophisticated ways to add information to your statements.