Tips and Tricks

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Some quick tips:

You can right-click and select "Clear" from both the File/Folder queue and Output window to clear their contents.
You can save configuration files with non-empty queues.
You can drag and drop executable programs from windows explorer into the Commandline edit box.
You can use semicolons to separate multiple commandlines to be executed in sequence.
You can preface each semicolon separated command with:

"SN:" - override shell window option, run program normal

"SM:" - override shell window option, run program window minimized

"SR:" - override shell window option, run program window redirected

"SH:" - override shell window option, run program window hidden

"cd " - change directory



Normal file replacement fields

%a = short version of filename
%A = long version of filename
%f1 = short version of field1
%F1 = field1 as typed
%f2 = short version of field2
%F2 = field2 as typed
%f3 = short version of field3
%F3 = field3 as typed
%f4 = short version of field4
%F4 = field4 as typed



Additional File replacement fields

%p = short path
%P = long path
%no = short name (without ext)
%NO = long name (without ext)
%n = short name (with ext)
%N = long name (with ext)
%e = extension



Other replacement fields

%appdir% = applicaiton directory where Drag+Drop Robot is running from