Basic Usage

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When you start the program for the first time, you'll be told to go to the preferences dialog to select which books you want to activate:





From the preferences (options) you can configure a bunch of options for how the program works - but the only thing you reall have to do is select which books the program should pick random quotes from.


We recommend the unqiue and exclusive Book of Corkscrews that was given to us to include in the program by Mel Reichler and Jim Egan - but we've also included a bunch of other books that you may enjoy, including a very large collection of traditional unix fortunes scoured from the web.


You can also add your own files and download extra files from us that were too big to include in the main download.


Or even make your own books - they're just plain text files with each quote on it's own line - if you make a good one, let us know about it at the forum for PopUp Wisdom and we'll add it to the downloads page so others can use it!