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The Form Letter Machine
The form letter machine is EXACTLY what I needed and I've spent hours now making a very complex tree that will serve my purposes very well.. By the way, your [demo] "movie" provided several minutes of good entertainment for my two kids--they thought it was a hoot. They're nerds in the making, I guess :)
K.E.. image

Addons for the Find and Run Robot Program

This page collects addons for the Find and Run Robot program that have been posted on our forum over the years. Click a link to go to the forum thread discussing the addon and download.

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Comparer File Info Plugin for FARR, uses total commander wdx plugs for file info

Screenshot - 1_9_2009 , 3_40_38 AM.png
This is a plugin for FARR that utilizes the Comparer tool written by fenixproductions for the recent NANY 2009 event.

Essentially it adds a right-click context menu item to any result that will give you info on the file; by installing additional wdx total commander plugins you can get even more info for specific kinds of files.  See the link above for more info on that.

You can also use +cmpc in your search string to trigger the info display without using the right click.



All credit goes to fenixproductions for his tool which does all the work; thanks to ecaradex, ewemoa and, czb for the javascript plugin scripting for FARR which this uses.  This plugin might be useful for people who want to see how to make a farr plugin that shells out to executables and displays the results, and for information on adding a context menu item to results.

Screenshot aliases using MiniCap

Screenshot - 7_24_2008 , 12_03_38 PM.png
mouser's excellent Screenshot Captor does pretty much everything you need for screenshot capturing (and more) but isn't exactly a tiny lightweight app. But it's baby brother MiniCap is a command line based screenshot capture app. This makes it ideal for the quick screenshot capturing tasks, and also ideal for FARR aliases!

You'll find (currently an old build of) MiniCap here: https://www.donation...r/MiniCap/index.html (mouser will probably update this ASAP)

I've put together a package that includes some aliases as well as a fresh build of MiniCap itself. These aliases should cover a range of screenshot options but adding or editing should be easy enough.

to install this you would put the minicap directory in your FindAndRunRobot\AliasGroups\Installed directory.  That alias subdirectory is marked as Read-only from within FARR so that it can be easily updated.

To use, type 'mcap' which will present you with the following commands
Screen captureCaptures current screen
Last active window captureCaptures the last active window (i.e. active before launching FARR ;) )
Select region captureInteractive capture of region (traditional style mode -- locked to current screen of multimonitor)
Object captureInteractive capture of object (red box mode)
Red box region captureInteractive capture of region (red box mode)
Capture to clipboardCopy the interactively selected image to clipboard
Border shadow captureAdd a nice border and shadow to interactively selected image
DC Review captureAutosaves to "%MYDOCUMENTS%\reviews\$appname$\$windowtitle$_$uniquenum$.png"
I found this was quite helpful when working on a minireview
Multimon captureCapture entire desktop workspace (all multimonitors if more than one exists)
Delayed screen capture (4 secs)Wait 4 seconds before engaging capture of current screen
Crash msg captureI'm using a couple of beta apps and if they crash I can save the crash message to "%MYDOCUMENTS%\crashinfo\crash_$windowtitle$_$datetime$.png"
Help with MiniCapLaunches the MiniCap helpfile

Thanks goes to mouser for both a lot of help and suggestions while making the aliases and for updating MiniCap and adding several new features. Looking at several other aliases was also very helpful, so if you've released a pack of aliases I've probably looked at it in awe ;)

Latest version can be downloaded from my dcmembers webspace!

Farr Search Aliases- Am I missing something?

blog clipart
I am a long timefarr  user and a fairly recent  DC Member. This is my first post. 

Before I start I tried searching for the answer and I am by no means a programmer but I am trying to understand how use farr to create search aliases that work like quick searches in firefox.  Basically I am trying to figure out how to translate these kinds of quick searches to Farr from firefox

Here's what I am trying to do. I have a keyword search setup in firefox.
keyword = bk
search string/location = http://www.booksamil...query=%s&where=Books

I think that I want to replace the %s search criteria with $$1 in Farr.  What I can't figure out with farr is how to get it to include the rest of the search string which is not varible when I use this kind of query.

I guess I don't understand enough about FARR and the syntax it uses to get this to work.  I hope I am making some sense.  Any help is appreciated.  I really want to learn and understand how to do these more complex searches in FARR.

Click here to read the solution posted by lanux..

Alias: Send Twitter updates from Farr

this is a very simple alias that updates to your Twitter page. i believe that a more robust plugin is in the works but until it is ready, this alias sort of plugs the gap. do try this out. :)

also, i'm afraid that there are some manual steps needed to get this alias working, where you have to add in your username and password to get it working. (see pic). credit goes to DC member srikat whose code saved me a lot of time. ;) also to the cURL team and Dirceu Veiga of (for the Twitter icon, of course).

Usage setup:
download the zipped file. extract the contents into Farr's sub-folder "\AliasGroups\MyCustom'. launch Farr then go to the 'Options' > 'Aliases/Groups'. choose the twitter alias from the drop-box on the right. double-click on it to edit and make the changes mentioned above. close everything until you reach Farr's main window. type 'tw' <insert whatever> and press enter.

Continue reading the rest of the entry and discuss..

FARR alias: Quick Outlook Task

I use Outlook tasks quite a lot, for serious tasks, to-do lists, but also quick reminders. Today I stumbled across "QuickOutlookTask", a small command-line utility that allows you to quickly add an Outlook task. You simply type something like "do new outlook task" (command line, or Windows Run) and this creates a new Outlook task with subject "new outlook task". Outlook needn't even be running. See http://www.megalab.i...articoli.php?id=1288.

Well, a couple of days ago I discovered FARR and quickly fell in love with it (kudos, mouser :Thmbsup:) and I wanted to have this through FARR. So I wrapped this functionality in a FARR alias, and this is my attempt to pass it on to you.

Click here to read more and download..

Table Data Search Plugin

Table Data Search Plugin

This plugin can search and display tabular data files of varying formats (csv files or any text files whose columns can be parsed using a regular expression).

It can be be used to display and search for data in spreadsheets, dictionaries, etc.  Only rows matching the search terms will be displayed so it's a great way to look up data.

Each data file has its own settings that specify:
  • Column Titles
  • Pattern for parsing column data
  • Max number of results to display
  • Option whether to search after every character typed
  • Option for case sensitivity

Other features:
  • Columns can be sorted
  • Supports html in column data
  • Incudes update support and two sample data files.
  • You can configure as many data files as you want, and easily switch between them (ctrl+tab or just click the filename).
  • The settings for each file are saved in to a file with the same name as the data file but with a .json extension, so you can easily share your data files+settings with others.

Click here to read more and download..

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