300 Ideas for Game Play MechanicsSean Howard, over at www.squidi.net, is making good progress on his goal to come up with 300 unique ideas for game play mechanics. At this point Sean had developed 58. Now, these aren't just one or two sentences like, "Make the blood blue, instead of red.", but are equivalent to full length articles. There are some real nuggets of gold in there. And Sean is nice enough to give them away for nothing more than a mention in your game. If you want to build a game, but can't think of an idea, or you need a little something to spice up an existing game you are working on, check out Three Hundred Mechanics. http://www.squidi.net/three/index.php |
Technical Debt - Nice Programming Metaphor and Long Blog EssayA nice way to look at the cost of cutting corners and making strategic decisions about putting things off.. The term "technical debt" was coined by Ward Cunningham to describe the obligation that a software organization incurs when it chooses a design or construction approach that's expedient in the short term but that increases complexity and is more costly in the long term. http://blogs.constru...echnical-debt-2.aspx |
COfundOS: A site where people can join and fund Open Source SoftwareLooks nice.. similar to http://micropledge but focused more on open source. Looks like they don't charge a fee for their service? The Cofundos process itself is schematically depicted in the figure and works as follows: http://www.cofundos.org/ |
Good Article For Beginners On Version Control (w/ Pictures & Examples)There is a very good introduction to version control at BetterExplained. http://betterexplain...e-to-version-control
7 reasons I switched back to PHP after 2 years on Rails - Blog ArticleVery interesting article that hits home with me as someone who enjoys PHP and is not all that fond of the Ruby syntax etc., but thinks that the focus on MVC stuff from Rails is a good idea.. I spent two years trying to make Rails do something it wasn’t meant to do, then realized my old abandoned language (PHP, in my case) would do just fine if approached with my new Rails-gained wisdom. http://www.oreillyne...hed_back_to_p_1.html |
Programming Can Ruin Your Life: A Fantastic Blog Essay on the Mind of a CoderI was going to post the in the Developer's section of our forum but in my view it's too important for that. I urge all programmers and loved ones of programmers to read this essay. It may seem pessimistic but it's beautifully written and better captures any description of the pitfalls (and amazing drive) of programmer-centric mindset that i have ever read. I think most programmers will recognize some of themselves in this essay -- but it's real value may be to those people who live with coders and want some insight into why they are the way they are. So if you're a coder with a significant other, print this out and give your loved one a copy to read. It may help them understand why you are the way you are.. ...Programming changes the way you think... |
Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++) talks about the development of C++0xBjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++) talks about the development of C++0x, the next generation of C++ standard. This is a 1+ hour video of a talk. A good programming language is far more than a simple collection of features. My ideal is to provide a set of facilities that smoothly work together to support design and programming styles of a generality beyond my imagination. Here, I briefly outline rules of thumb (guidelines, principles) that are being applied in the design of C++0x. Then, I present the state of the standards process (we are aiming for C++09) and give examples of a few of the proposals such as concepts, generalized initialization, being considered in the ISO C++ standards committee. Since there are far more proposals than could be presented in an hour, I'll take questions. http://www.csclub.uw...20An%20Overview.html
microPledge: Funding Software by Pledging to Donate MoneyInteresting idea.. More formal version of the kind of thing we do in our Coding Snacks section. Have an idea? Just need funding? http://micropledge.com/
Article: Please don't steal this Web contentNice short article about the practice of automated website "scraping", where sites are created by scripts to steal content from other sites, in order to show up in web searches and get advertising money. VanFossen isn't referring to the kind of plagiarism in which a lazy college student copies sections of a book or another paper. This is automated digital plagiarism in which software bots can copy thousands of blog posts per hour and publish them verbatim onto Web sites on which contextual ads next to them can generate money for the site owner. http://news.com.com/...3.html?tag=nefd.lede
For Coders: Static Versus Dynamic Typing (A great overview)I'm in the process of reading this, and even though I haven't finished yet, it has already proven itself as a "must read" as a great overview of the issue of static versus dynamic typing. Angle Brackets and Curly Braces |
World of Borecraft: The Trouble with Video GamesHere is an article about problems with computer/video games with purported educational value that I thought was interesting. See what you think. ...Any child of the 1980s and 1990s will remember Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing and Math Blaster Mystery: The Great Brain Robbery, games that promised to make skills acquisition fun. They'll also remember ditching Mavis Beacon for something with guns as soon as their parents' backs were turned. Making games educational is like dumping Velveeta on broccoli... http://editor.slate....laymode=6&workarea=3 |
The Best Introductory LanguageNow I'll just bet the best way to start programming is NOT to jump into C/C++, which was what I did. ...This paper examines several approaches to which programming language is the best, and afterwards gives several useful relations for which languages should come first. Finally it gives a final verdict, defends it and then gives some other good food for thought... http://www.shlomifis...troductory-language/ |
Software patents, and the crazy business side of software.Here is an interesting essay on software patents, and the business side of software development: The most common is to grant patents that shouldn't be granted. To be patentable, an invention has to be more than new. It also has to be non-obvious. And this, especially, is where the USPTO has been dropping the ball. Slashdot has an icon that expresses the problem vividly: a knife and fork with the words "patent pending" superimposed. http://www.paulgraha...softwarepatents.html
The Hacknot Book (big free pdf ebook) - Essays on software developmentHere is a cool, free pdf ebook of software development essays from Hacknot The Hacknot Book http://www.hacknot.i...D5772103288B197F67D0 |
Coding Horror: Top 6 List of Programming Top 10 ListsThought this would be appreciated here: Presented, in no particular order, for your reading pleasure: my top 6 list of programming top 10 lists. To keep this entry concise, I've only quoted a brief summary of each item. If any of these sound interesting to you, I encourage you to click through and read the original author's thoughts in more detail. http://www.codinghor...archives/000822.html |
Fifteen Commandments of ProgrammingThe fifteen Commandments of Good Programming. http://2stepsback.wo...-of-good-programming |
Yehuda: Winning is Incompatible with (Almost) EverythingThis is an interesting article about the meaning and implications of winning (in games and other stuff). To summarize some of my earlier thoughts, most games have scores which indicate relative success to other players, as well as relative success to our own previous scores. Yet, at the end of most games, we discard these scores and simply assign a "1" (for win) or a "0" (for loss) to all participants. http://jergames.blog...ble-with-almost.html |
The Importance of Fun as a Motivator for Designing Open-Source SoftwareHere is an article from an online, peer-reviewed journal that discusses motivating factors in open-source software. The goal of the study on Fun and Software Development (FASD) is to precisely assess the importance that fun has as motivation for software developers to engage in open source projects. A survey carried out both under open source developers and programmers working in Swiss software companies yielded that the fun motive accounts for about 27 percent to 33 percent of open source developers’ motivation. http://www.firstmond.../issue12_1/luthiger/ |
Why Java Failed to Dominate the WebNice long thoughtfull article by Bruce Eckel.. Several of Bruce Tate’s books focused on the flaws in Java and the need to let go of some of the ideas that haven’t worked out. And blogs like this and this have been appearing more frequently. And of course there’s Steve Jobs now-famous quote (referring to the iPhone): “Java’s not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain.” http://ajaxworldmaga....com/read/333329.htm |
Why Small Programs Can Take Years To CompleteHere's a review of Dreaming in Code and an interesting discussion of some of the factors that can make finishing programs take far longer than they otherwise might. One way to look at Salon co-founder Scott Rosenberg's new book, "Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software," is as an attempt to tell the story of a specific software development project -- the effort by industry legend Mitch Kapor and a band of ace programmers to create Chandler, a kind of turbo-powered personal information management program that would dazzle users with its ability to enhance their productivity... Article here: http://www.salon.com.../2007/02/03/leonard/ And read an excerpt of the book here: https://www.donation...index.php?topic=7322 |
Clash of the LanguagesCool statistics on programming language popularity up to date with long term graphs: http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htm |
25 steps for building a Micro-ISVSome good practical information for small software development development websites. As promised, here's my 25 steps for building a Micro-ISV which are hard learned steps based on our experience getting TimeSnapper to where it is today. Each of these steps is both harder than it looks, and easier than you'd think. http://www.secretgeek.net/25steps.asp |
Scott Berkun Defends Simplicity in SoftwareScott Berkun responds to an earlier essay by Joel Spolsky questioning the adage that Simple is Better in software.. In defense of simplicity http://www.scottberkun.com/blog/?p=502 |