Mini-reviews on the forum
This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. They represent the views of the poster and not necessarily the views of the site administrators. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.
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DonationCoder does not accept paid promotions. We have a strict policy of not accepting gifts of any kind in exchange for placing content in our blogs or newsletters, or on our forum. The content and recommendations you see on our site reflect our genuine personal interests and nothing more.
FARR is the best windows keyboard quick launcher I've ever usedFind and Run Robot (FARR) is a program for Windows users who are keyboard maniacs. It uses an adaptive "live search" function to rapidly find programs and documents on your computer as you type. FARR is the best windows "keyboard quick launcher" I've ever used.
Mini-reviews on the forum
This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.
DC Member Mini-Review: Bluebeam CAD Pdf toolI'm sure you guys have heard me rave about Bluebeam. It's my favorite pdf utility. I've just put up my review for it on my website: http://aram.dcmember...g/bluebeam-pdf-revu/ |
Monkey Dash mini reviewMonkeyDash is a 2 player strategy board game. A match takes about 15 minutes. It is made by DC member Ampa, who also play tested the game here on DC: https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=12523.0
I won't follow the minireview template and will only post my own impressions and scattered thoughts from playing the game. For game overview and game details, check out the video and these two resources: Great video tutorial from the game site: Information and other reviews: |
DJ Legend - The Super DJ Software Review ThreadThis thread contains mini-reviews of several DJ tools including:
KidsMenu - a shell replacement for kidsAs any parent would agree, introducing computers to young children can be quite frustrating. Since most of the systems are not designed with kids on their mind, it's not wise to leave the kids unattended. There are several useful utilities here at Donationcoder that can attest to this fact, such as Skrommel's ToddlerTrap and CrazyLittleFingers by Kwacky.
This is where alternate shells come into the picture. They let the children to explore and launch programs while allowing the parent to retain certain amount of control. One such program that recently caught my eye is KidsMenu by Byron Jones and as it turned out Byron wrote this program for his kids to use and I feel that is an important criteria. As he explains on the KidsMenu website. kidsmenu avoids some of the complexity and danger introduced by the standard windows shell (explorer) when put in front of young children. for example, as there's no start menu, hitting the windows key accidently while playing a game won't show the start menu. (note this functionality currently requires kidsmenu to be running as the replacement shell). |
Mini-Review: Digital Game StoresI've really gotten on board with the Digital Game Distribution concept (though the flap at GOG shook my confidence a bit), and figured that I'd post a review of the sites that I've used. I'll post them a little at a time, and if someone has something to add, feel free to add to the thread, and I'll update this 'table of contents' post with a link to the review.
Program Whose Time Has Come: virtual folders, collections, file baskets...What would be the one program you would like to have most that is already possible but doesn't quite seem to exist yet? A Program Whose Time Has Come? For me, it would be a powerful sidekick to file managers: a program to manage virtual folders, a.k.a file collections, a.k.a file baskets/organizers... Hope someone comes up with a catchier name!
The time when the simple folder hierarchy ceased to suffice is long gone, isn't it? I've seen plenty of requests for such functionality on various forums, but strangely no real takers yet. I'll describe my experience with the existing solutions, pretty immature all, but first, here's what the program would do: A virtual folder is a folder that doesn't exist physically on disk. It is merely a name for a collection of files selected by the user for whatever purpose or gathered automatically according to some criteria. The "whatever" is pretty darn big - I come up with new potential uses for such a program every day. Here are the three main uses of file collections I can see. (Please add others if my three don't exhaust the range of possibilities). Each of these uses requires slightly different behaviors, but it seems possible to accommodate them all in a single application. |