What do others say?

Whether it's a compliment or a complaint, we like to memorialize the things people have said about DonationCoder.com.

On this page you'll find some of the quotations we have collected from emails and around the web.

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Restoring Faith in the Internet - One Person at a Time
Thanks for your work and helping to restore my faith that everyone is not out to make fast money using the internet.
Find and Run Robot Has Fans
Find and run robot is really the best implementation of a quick run command line program I've come across and I'm sure I've tried most of them. I don't know if you've tried the others out there yourself but 'find and run robot' definitely beats them.. Find and run is just perfect - if I can think of anything that might improve it I'll let you know. Really love the ONE key shortcut key for it - genius. Really love not having to set it all up for what words that are relevant for which programs. Really love the context menu to open up folders for particular listed files.
The Forum Seals the Deal
I have been trying out your Find & Run Robot and I am liking it. As a former user of Type & Run, I prefer the added utilty you have in F&RR. I went back to your site and wanted to check out some more offerings. Found your forum and downloaded a great little script for AutoHotKey (capshift.ahk) and though it was great. Decided to join then & there. I will be checking out your other utilities. I like what you have so far and like your attitude.
Screenshot Captor Has Fans Too
I recently downloaded a copy of your ScreenCapture Application [Screenshot Captor], and it is the best I've ever used, thank you.
Our Reviews Have Fans
Thanks for the review. The time you spent in writing the it is readily apparent to me. Very comprehensive and professionally done. I really like what you are up to with your site. Highly commendable.
Desktop Coral - Yes, We Forgot the Other 'R'
cor-ral (n.) 1. An enclosure for confining livestock. 2. An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.
Of Course
Hello, I sure am interested in your programs. I am a Disabled vet on a very fixed income. I hope you understand. I would like to get a membership if that is possible? [we give full memberships to anyone who can't afford to donate]
Ok We're Making Progress with the Automation Stuff..
The automated activation e-mails were great with clear, easy to follow instructions.

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