Tutorial: Nice Forum Posts

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Screenshot Captor has some features designed to help you very quickly format pictures for posting on the web:


In one step go from:








1.Take your screenshots as normal
2.Select the region you are interested in and hit the quick Thumbnail button [button_saveas], or selecte the File->Create Thumbnail menu.
3.Screenshot Captor will now: Crop your image, Resize it if it's too big, put a nice border and shadow around it, save it under a new name, and copy the path of the new image to the clipboard.
4.It copies the file path to the clipboard to make it easy for you to paste it into an upload file form; you could also configure a 3rd party ftp, email, or image posting tool to use instead.
5.You can customize the resizing, borders, shadows and effects from the File -> Create Thumbnail menu.




Thumbnail settings to produce above effect:
