Post Capture Commandline Tool Invocation

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As of version 2.51.01 Screenshot Captor now let's you specify a list of commandline tools to invoke after every capture.


You can easily disable this function or comment out specific tools (using //) , which makes it easy to set up some advanced operations.


For each line you can use the "%file%" argument to pass the filename of the captured screenshot, or additional information:


Available Fields:

%quickfield% - quick text field from main screen

%datetime% , %date% , %time% - local date/time

%num% - 3digit counter

%resolution%, %capturemode%, %windowtitlepure%, %windowtitle%, %filename%,

%nicename%, %fullfilename% , %description%, %fileversion% , %autocapcount% ,

%company% , %productname% , %versionstring%

%scrapetext% - text scraped from captured window object

%browserurl% - url from captured browser window

%customdate% - obeys custom date format (fill in below)

$dt:%DATEFIELD$ - replaces one date/time item (see help below)

%APPDIR% - screenshot captor application directory

%APPDRIVE% - drive where screenshot captor is run from


%file% - full file path of the screenshot file

%folder% - folder name containing the screenshot file

%file.path% - same as %folder% but no trailing \

%file.nopath% - filename but no path

%file.nopathnoext% - filename with no path or extension

%file.ext% - just the file extension (no leading .)



For each commandline you can also specify at the end some optional parameters:


/winhid - hide the invoked window (dont do this for programs that need user input!)

/winmin - launch the tool minimized

/wait - wait for the program to complete before moving onto the next one (screenshot captor waits too!)