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MircryptionBoard provides a mircryption-compatible news/message board for use in your irc channels. It consists of a small helper script for mirc clients, and separate code for handling the newsboard administration, which would typically be run using an eggdrop robot on an irc shell, but can also be run as a script from a user's local mirc.


Some features of MircryptionBoard:


Board contents are blowfish encoded, and all encryption is done by individual mirc clients before being sent to the board.
The central server simply acts as a repository for transfering mircryption(blowfish) messages between users. No keys are ever kept on the eggdrop shell, which means no assumptions are made about the integrity of the shell hosting the news bot.  MircryptionBoard can therefore be hosted by an untrusted shell without risk.
Supports unlimited number of user-defined sections for organizing posts, with independent permissions for setting who can add/delete posts and create new sections, etc.
Can automaticall record topic histories in a given section.
News server/administration program can run on an eggdrop through a tcl script or as a local mirc script run by a user who is consistently connected to the server.