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To Do List

make mpgp unload itself after some time.
make mpgp uncrashable by malicious spoofer.
mirc crashing sometimes when mpgp is unloaded.!!!!! - PLEASE FIX! - HALF FIXED BUT CAN STILL OCCUR
Test and improve flood-kick-prevention settings.
Fix fastunload option.
open up file browser to the location of file on file receipt
fix "the following keys have been imported..." (not shown)
remove some unnesc binary protected bytes
use custom mirc window for joblist?
change menu text for query windows.
add more messages telling sender what has happened (use confirmation replied), like was key imported, etc.
beep when a mpgp message arrives
rename to mircpgp
if you receive a confirmation for a job that dont exist, dont cancel it, just be silent.
pgptool.exe not being properly located with some versions of pgp?


Submitted Issues

pgp8 has two bugs: pgpkeys dialog is not launchable.  you have to select recipient twice.
sometimes the keyfiles get locked and you get a file access error and can't import new keys
pgp 7.1 compatibility problems?
in joblist it says "send public key for . to []" ie key name not shown
"could not encrypt or sign message' error
keyring dir in options needs a folder open button, and it seems to fail if you have an extra \ at the end of the folder dir.