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The options dialog allows you to adjust how MPGP works. You can launch it from the mirc menus or from the joblist or main dialog.
Bytes/Sec - Average number of bytes per second to output at steady rate (note that mpgp may stagger outputs to insure long, lest wasteful lines). Burst Bytes - After a period of sending nothing, mpgp will send up to this many bytes right away for a new outgoing job. Interval - How often jobs are iterated for output - a value between 500 and 1500 is recommended. Too small a value will take up unnesc. cpu usage, too small will slow output noticably.
Questions - Timeout for question dialogs. Messages - Timeout for message/announcement dialogs. Jobs - A job which is waiting for a reply from a user will timeout after waiting for this amount of time with no response. Timeouts typically signify that your recipient has not received your message.
Always Reject (silent) - Reject all incoming requests for your anonymous hex id, and send no reply. This leaves you basically invisible to those who do not know any of your permanent keys. Always Reject - Reject incoming requests for your anonymous hex id, and send a cancel signal to tell them your hex id will not be sent. Ask Before Hex & Pubkey - Ask before replying with your anonymous hex id, and ask before subsequently sending your anonymous public key. This is pretty paranoid, and the dialogs will become annoying if people you know often send stuff to you anonymously. Ask Before Pubkey Only - Provide the short hex id of your anonymous public key, but ask before sending your full (about 2k in size) anonymous public key to someone who doesn't already have it. This is a reasonable setting and reduces the bandwidth sent if lots of people you dont like are constantly asking for your anonymous key. Always Provide - Always provide your anonymous hex id and public key to anyone who wants it. This is still considered completely safe. You can provide your public keys to the entire world - it will not help them to decode information sent to you - it only lets them send you an encrypted message.
Autoshow non-empty joblist - Brings up the joblist whenever a new job comes in or a new job is created (default). Autohide empty joblist -Hides the joblist after you remove all jobs (default). Autoclear joblist - Automatically clears all completed entries from the job when you close it (default).
Key Manager tool - This should be automatically located from information in the registry about your current pgp installation. Leave blank for auto detection. Keyring Dir - If this is blank, MPGP will share your existing PGP keyrings. It is recommended you specify an alternate directory and use a dedicated set of mpgp-only keyrings. You can copy your existing normal keyrings into that directory to begin with your existing keys.