Getting the most out of MS Agents

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Here are some tips to getting the most of the new ms agent support, and organizing a zoo of msagents for mirc, and putting on a mirc play.


enable an agent for yourself, by setting %mc_agent_char_mynick to a valid agent file
use the /msagent_rolecall command to line up all agents on the screen
turn bubbles on or off with %mc_agent_options "-b on"   or "-b off"
turn sound effects on or off with the -e switch
set the hidden option "-h off" off to make the characters stay on screen even when you minimize mirc
find some good agents at and
it's ok to use the same character to speak for different people, but you cant have 2 instances of the same character on the screen simultaneuously.  to do that, you need to go to windows/msagent/chars and make copies of your .acs agent files, and give them new names, like merlin2.acs, merlin3.acs, etc.
if you use the %mc_agent_talkoptions swicth -u (set by default), then you can alter talk speed from the mirc alt-O->Sounds->Agents->Speech dialog.  You can also use the mirc lexicon to translate mispronounced words on smilies.
put on a live mirc play and record it with a screen recording tool like flashcam or camtasia.
from the mirc alt-O->Sounds->Agents->Speech dialog there is a mirc option to ignore non-text lines.  for some reason this seems to kill all text with punctuation, so it should be disabled.