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Irc servers can cut off lines after 400 characters or so without warning. Normally you dont even know that it's happened until your friend asks you why you didnt finish your last sentence. Mircryption automatically breaks lines >300 characters into multiple lines so this shoudnt happen to you anymore (only works when encryption is on).
mIRC itself cannot handle lines bigger than about 900 characters. Mircryption adds a textpad you can use for pasting large (up to 64k) amounts of text into a channel easily. Mircryption pauses between lines to avoid flood kill, but keep in mind you could still get kicked for flooding, plus once you start the paste process, there's no way to stop it other than exiting mirc, so be careful.
Mircryption has a feature called a meow broadcast handshake. It works like this: anyone with the mircryption addon can send out a mew broadcast to a channel. Its just a tiny short message that looks like: mcps meow meow meow %$&^$%& If you are running the mircryption addon and you receive a meow message, you won't see it. Instead, Mircryption wil automatically send a reply from you to the sender. Your reply will tell the person what version of mircryption you are running, and whether you are encyrpting/decrypting on the current channel. Meow broadcasts also include an encyrpted version of the word meow, and when you receive a broadcast, your script tries to decode this word using your currently set key for the channel. If you can decode it, then in your reply you will let the sender know that you and he/she are using matching keys. If you cannot decode it, you simply send a reply saying that you and the sender are using different keys. At no point do you send any key values to anyone. Meow broadcasts are simply a way to be friendly, say hello to other mircryption users, and let users know who can understand them. Keep in mind that there's no way to prevent someone from modifying their script to lie about whether they can understand you - meow broadcasts are just a fun little toy.
You can use an apostrophe in front of any text to reverse the encryption mode for that text. In other words, if encryptoin in enabled in a channel, prefacing a statement with ' will send the text in plaintext. If a key is not defined for a channel, using an apostrophe will return an error saying that text could not be encrypted.
Mircryption has the ability to set and decode encrypted topics. You cannot use the normal dbl-click on a window method to set an encrypted topic - you must use the Mircryption menus or with the /etopic command. If you set a plain topic (with dbl-click method) in an encrypted channel, you will be warned (the warning can be disabled). Note that some servers (efnet for example), place limits on the maximum length of a topic, and that an encrypted topic can require up to 2x the space of its plaintext equivelant. If an encrypted topic is too long, it will appear truncated and the last characters may appear garbled. |