Configuring the Newsbot for a channel |
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For the Mircryptionboard client script to do this, it needs to know some stuff. For a given channel, it needs to know: 1. Which nick is the mircryptionboard news server (ie the nick of the eggdrop bot or the nick of the user running the local mirc news server). 2. The name of the news board associated with this channel. 3. What the encryption key is for the news board (all encryption is done locally on your machine using mircryption before sending the info pre-encrypted to the news server). 4. Any administration password you have for the board that might give you additional non-default permissions. 5. An optional, unique user identifier, which will be used instead of your ident to keep track of what items are new to you. Should be just a short single word (10 characters). This is sent in plaintext so don't use anything revealing!
The Mircrytptionboard script provides an easy way for you to configure this information for each channel where a newsbot exists, so that you don't have to provide it each time you issue a news command.
To configure these settings for a channel, join the channel and right-click on the nick of the mircryption news bot server and select the option MCBoard -> Configure XXX as the MCBoard bot for channel XXX. You will then be prompted to provide values for the settings described above. Note that all users who will access the board need to agree on the same encryption key and board name, which will be chosen by the person administering the news server. You can change the configuration for a channel at any time by repeating the above.
The actual encryption key for the news bot on that channel is stored securely, in encrypted form, in your mircryption key file. The other settings are stored in your Alt-R mirc variables, with prefix %mcb_.
After you have configured the news bot for a channel, you can issue menu commands or manual commands and be assured that all traffic to the news bot will be properly encrypted.