Basic Installation

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If you are upgrading to the suite version from the old non-suite version (mircryption 3.x or 4.x) please first read the special chapter on Upgrading from the non-suite version before continuing.


If this is a new installation or an upgrade, perform the following steps:


Note that MircryptionSuite requires mirc v5.9x or greater; use of the MircryptionPgp component requires a PGP installation of v6.5x.


Step 1:


Make sure mirc is not running.


Step 2:


Run the automated setup program, installing into your existing mirc directory,


Manually unzip the (sfx) setup file, and copy the contents of the InstallFiles directory directly into your mIrc directory, so that the MircryptionSuite.chm help file resides in your root mirc directory, where you can access it from the main Help menu, and all other files reside in a subdirectory of mirc called mircryption (mirc by default is installed at C:\Program Files\Mirc).


If this is an upgrade, you are done.  If this is a new install:


Step 3:


Restart Mirc.  Mirc has an option to prevent dlls from being used (for extra security). To use Mircryption, you need to enable dlls.  Hit alt-O for options and select the last entry, General->Lock (or Other->Lock in mirc 6.16+).  If the "Disable Commands->/Dll" option is checked, uncheck it.  If you forget to enable DLL use, you will see the error "* Identifier locked in options dialog: $dll" all over the place.
We discovered that for some reason the "/remote on" setting is not set by default on some people's machines (the only two reports we have were with mirc6.03 and win2k).  This switch basically disables all scripts without warning, and can cause ALL scripts to not function, but appear to be loaded.  You can tell if this is happening because you get no version annoncements when you start mirc or do /mircryption.  To be sure your mirc is set to allow scripts to run propertly, type "/remote on"


Step 4: Inform mirc about the new addons:


In the mirc status window type (and then hit enter): /load -rs1 mircryption/mircryption.mrc
Type: /load -rs mircryption/mcboard.mrc (optional - skip this if you want to disable mircryption board component)
Type: /load -rs mircryption/mcupdater.mrc (optional - skip this step if you dont want to install the script that can check for and install updates from the web).


Many people don't need the pgp component which takes up so much space.  If you are installing the LITE version, or if you only plan to use the basic mircryption features you can skip step 4B below.  Perform the first part of step 4B if you want to include news board features (recommended).  Keep in mind that the lite download does not include the encrypted log viewer utility.


Step 4B: If you are installing the FULL version, with MircryptionPGP and MIrcryptionBoard:


Type: /load -rs mircryption/mpgp.mrc (optional - skip this if you want to disable mircryptionpgp component, not available in LITE version of mircryption)


Step 5:


Hit alt-R and select menu item File->Order.  Move the mircryption scripts to the top of the list, so that they are executed first among any scripts you have installed.  Most conflicts with other scripts can be avoided if you perform this step(!)


If you have successfully installed the MircryptionSuite scripts, you will see a brief announcement in your status window to this affect each time you start mirc.


McAffee Virus Warning on Mircryption Installer:

It seems that McAffee has added a new antivirus warning (link) which will trigger on any setup program that copies files into the mirc directory, including the mircryption installer.

If you use McAffee you will either have to disable it duing installation (or running the updater?), OR else unpack the installer setup.exe using any zip program and install the files manually, following the instructions in the readme file.