acidmax 2.x |
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In file acidmax2.mrc, search and replace the following (they are all near each other,some earlier versions we couldnt find the :action: event... where is it?)
You might find slight differences in your version of acidmax, just remember to look for text,action,notice,topic, input, and look for ones with *:* rather than specific text which dont need to be fixed.
REPLACE: on ^*:text:*:#: { WITH: on ^*:text:*:#: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on ^*:text:*:?: { WITH: on ^*:text:*:?: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on ^*:action:*:#: { WITH: on ^*:action:*:#: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on ^*:notice:*:?: { WITH: on ^*:notice:*:?: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on ^*:topic:#: { WITH: on ^*:topic:#: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on *:input:#: { WITH: on *:input:#: if ($halted) return else {
REPLACE: on *:input:?: { if ($_vr(color,menick_switch) != off) { extcoloninput $1- } } WITH: on *:input:?: if ($halted) return else { if ($_vr(color,menick_switch) != off) { extcoloninput $1- } }
REPLACE: on *:input:=: { if ($_vr(color,menick_switch) != off) { extcoloninput $1- } } WITH: on *:input:=: if ($halted) return else { if ($_vr(color,menick_switch) != off) { extcoloninput $1- } }