Special Search Phrases |
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You can type the following special search phrases into FARR:
gooptions - show the options dialog. gohelp - show the help file. gotoolbar - show toolbar configuration page. goabout - show the about/licensekey dialog. gowebpage - open the Find+Run Robot web page. helpfarr - show a list of these special search phrases above.
agroups - list all known alias groups. historys - list past searches. historyl - list past launches. aplugins - list all installed plugins. listfarr - show a list of these special search phrases above.
goreload - reload all plugins and aliases goareload - reload all aliases preload - list all plugins and let user choose a specific one to reload. rplugins - Reload all plugins (prompting first after unload), which is useful for plugin developers to give them an opportunity to copy over a new version of their plugin dll. goquit - exit program |