Special Predefined Variables

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FARR has a few predefined special variables you can use to perform advanced configuration.

If you wish to use these variables, you should define them under the [PredefinedVars] section of the User Variables, as follows:


AliasDirs - Use this variable to add additional custom folders to scan for alias files. Separate multiple paths with | character.


CustomSearchIniFiles - Use this variable to add additional custom files that contain lists of search folders, in the same format as the normal FindAndRunRobot.ini file.  Separate multiple file paths with | character.







AliasDirs=C:\MyDocs\MyCustomAliases | E:\MyDropBox\MyFarrAliases

CustomSearchIniFiles = C:\MyDocs\MyCustomSearchFolderList.ini




Sample contents of a CustomSearchIniFile:




The line should begin with #=

The next number is the score for items found in this directory, followed by >>>

Then comes the actual full path to the directory to search

If you want to specify a modifier keyword to use, add >*> followed by the modifier keyword.

The easiest way to understand the format is to add a search folder in the options as you want it and then examine the normal FindAndRunRobot.ini file to see how the format is saved.