Directory Searching Tricks |
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One key to fast and efficient directory searching is to use some keyboard shortcuts (don't look so surprised!).
If you hit the tab key while typing and a subdirectory is shown at the top of the results list (first result), that path will be added to your current search string. This is similar to the "autocomplete" function found in many programs.
You can also achieve the same result by hitting ALT+RIGHT ARROW.
If you hit the ALT+LEFT ARROW or ALT+BACKSPACE, the last subdirectory on your search path will be removed, bringing you back up one directory.
You are not limited to autocompleting based only on the first path in the result list. You can also use alt+# to specifically change to the specific result directory by index number.
You can normally just hit enter to open the the first item in the results list,so if you want to open the path you have typed in the search bar, make sure you leave off the last \, or use the ALT+ENTER hotkey to explicitly open the path in the search string.
You can use \\ in the middle of a path to tell FARR to match any single directory. Use \*\ to match multiple directories greedily. |