Advanced Directory Searching

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FARR v2 supports the ability to type in explicit paths in your search query.


When you type in such a path, the results window will show files and folders in that path.


It's not unusual to have too many files and folders to display, in which case you may want to use a few tricks to help narrow down the results.


Use a period (.) at the end of the path to show only files in the directory and no subfolders.


e.g. C:\Windows\. (will show only files in the windows directory, no folders)


You can also type a pattern after the . to further limit results:


e.g. C:\Windows\.sys (will show only files in the windows directory with the word sys in them)


Use a double forward slash (\\) at the end of the path to show only subfolders and not files.

e.g. C:\Windows\\ (will show only subfolders within the windows directory)


You can also use simple wildcards.

e.g. C:\Windows\*.bpl