Capturing Clipboard Images

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In addition to saving a record of text captured to the clipboard, Clipboard Help+Spell can also optionally capture image data.


But image data is stored very differently from text data.


Text snippets are stored in a database that facilitates rapid searching.  Image data is always stored outside the database in your normal file system -- with one file for each copied image.


When enabled, each time you copy some imaged data to the clipboard, a new image file will be created in a configured directory, with a unique name, which is recorded in the main clip database.


Image clips can be used just like text clips in CHS -- you can move them between groups, delete them, paste them from a popup menu, etc.  When CHS needs to use the image data it will be read from the external file.


Some things to be aware of:

External clip images are saved in standard file format -- you can browse and manage the image directory with any of your usual image viewing software.
If you delete or move an image file outside of CHS, that's fine -- but CHS will not be aware of your changes, so the image clip entry in the CHS database will remain and not have any effect if you try to paste it.
You can disable the capturing of clip images or set limits on the size of images to be saved, or the programs to be monitored for image data.
You can customize the directory pattern used for storing image clip files, in order to facilitate organization by year, month, day, etc.