Tips and Tricks

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Put a period character (.) on its own line at the end of a node's text, to instruct The Form Machine to add one and only one blank line separating the text from the text of the node below.


This can be useful if you are not sure which nodes will be enabled below or above a given node and want to ensure proper separation of paragraphs.




Calling From Email Client


Here's an example of how you might trigger The Form Letter Machine from a template in your email client.  This example is for TheBat! but other clients may be similar:


%DCExec("C:\Program Files\TheFormLetterMachine\TheFormLetterMachine.exe","-out=stdout","name=%TOFNAME")


The key thing is the passing of "-out=stdout" which tells the program to send the output to stdout on exit, where your email client needs to capture it.



See Also: Piper Plugin from Ibsen Software that can be used to call The Form Letter Machine from TheBat! templates.