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Q: What is Miniflash?

A: Miniflash is a tiny flash movie (swf) player whose only purpose is to play a movie in a borderless or thinborder window, which can be invoked on the commandline and passed flash variable parameters, which is normally not possible in the flash player.  it can be useful for capturing screenshots of flash movies with certain parameters, in a non-interactive fashion in conjunction with MiniCap. (99.9999999999999999999% of people have no need for miniflash).






MiniFlash.exe - Mini Flash Player

Version 1.02.01 / Feb 20, 2006

[email protected]


Designed to show a flash movie in a minimal window of a specific size, with

specific title, and launched with flash variable arguements.  This last part

is key, since the normal flash player from macromedia doesn't seem to be

able to set variables.





Version History

v1.00.01 - Jan 2006 - first beta

v1.02.01 - Feb 20, 2006 - added option to remove titlebar and borders







  MiniFlash.exe fullfilename argstring width height scalemode "title caption"


  for example:

   MiniFlash.exe "c:\myflashfile.swf" "arg1=1&arg2=2" 640 480 0 "my flash!"


  scalemode is from macromedia and should be a number as follows:

   0 - ShowAll, 1 - NoBorder, 2 - ExtractFit, 3 - NoScale, 4- Low

   5 - AutoLow, 6 - AutoHight, 7 - Hight, 8 - Best, 9 - AutoMedium

   10 - Medium


 the common scalemodes are 0 for normal display that preserves aspect ratio

 and 2 for fit to window and stretch (aspect ratio not preserved)



   specify "x" as the title caption to remove the titlebar and borders completely.
