Commandline Arguments

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Will show the menu referenced by the internal ID number (see at top of panel in tree dialog when you click on a node), as a popup menu at cursor.



Will open up the configuration dialog on start; useful if you need to fix something, or reset dock size/position data.



Will exit the program if running or do nothing if not running



The following commandline options are only available if you get a special license key for distributing your software to others:



Will not allow user to enter configuration screen to add/change nodes (but will save updated dock positions, remember window positions and sizes, etc.)



Same as -readonly but will save NO changes at all and not try to write configuration files (will not remember window positions and sizes, etc.)



Will not allow launch bars to be docked.



Will not allow launch bars to be free-standing windows.



Will not allow launch bars to be minimized to the system tray.



Will not show donationcoder links (forum, help, website) in right-click or tray menus.



Do not show right-click options item in tray menu (this will also trigger if -readonly is passed).