Printing - Overview

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Flipbook Printer has tons of printing options to make it easy to print books in a variety of ways.


Whether you are printing one book or a thousand, it pays to explore the options to see which is best for the task.


This first screenshot shows the normal printing options.

Here we are viewing page 2 of a flipbook which has 1273 frames in it, of which we have chosen to print 40 equally spaces images.

Furthermore, we have told Flipbook Printer that we want 10 copies of the book.

10 copies of 40 frames, with 10 frames (pages) on a sheet will take up 40 pages (see top left).

Note how the page numbering goes from left to right, from top to bottom.

If you are only printing out 1 copy, these settings are fine, but if you were really printing out 10 copies of this flipbook, these would be HORRIBILE settings to use.  Next we will see better options.





If you are printing more than 1 copy of a book, you really should consider STACKED printing.

The stacked printing option is designed to make it easier for you to stack and bind your books.

The ideal situation is when you are printing the same # of copies as cards on a sheed.

So in our case above, 10 copies (with 10 cards per sheet) gives optimal results.

Let's look at what a Stacked Printing preview looks like.


Notice in this case, page 2 contains 10 copies of frame 2.

Now imagine if we print out 40 pages, each page contains 10 copies of that frames page.

Stack these sheets on top of each other and punch down.  Each stack of cards is a book.

You can see how much time this would save you because you won't have to re-order any of the cards.




Occasionally for binding it may be easier to bind (stable) along the edges of a sheet.  In this case you may want to enable the "Flip for Binding Edges" option.

You can see in this case that the right side of the page is upside down, so that you can bind along both edges and then cut down the middle (the page numbers are displayed facing up but they will print upside down).

